Finnish Man Uses Easy Open-Access Journals to Publish Junk Climate Science

Predatory open-access journals stand ready to publish junk science that legitimate journals reject for publication. Anyone with a pseudo-scientific idea...

Another Taiwan-Based Mega-Scholarly Conference Organizer Emerges

There’s a lot of money to be made in the scholarly-conference organizing business in Asia these days. These are not...

Mysterious Publisher Launches with 44 Journals

I received several tips recently about a large, new open-access publisher called Open Science. I have added this publisher to my...

Instead of a Peer Review, Reviewer Sends Warning to Authors

A peer reviewer for the MDPI journal Atmosphere sent a warning — in place of a peer review — to authors who...

More Pseudo-Science from Swiss / Chinese Publisher MDPI

I’ve written several blog posts documenting the Swiss / Chinese publisher MDPI’s practice of publishing junk science, articles that few, if any,...

An Editorial Board Mass-Resignation — from an Open-Access Journal

I learned recently of a mass-resignation from the editorial board of an open-access journal. The journal, Advances in Anthropology, is published...

Questionable OA Publisher Launches with a Clever Website and 52 New Journals

A recent addition to my list is the American Research Institute for Policy Development (ARIPD), which, unlike most new OA publishers, has...

Look out for Bogus Impact Factor Companies

The proliferation of predatory open-access publishers has created several new and expanding markets. One of these is the market for...

Proposed Criteria for Identifying Predatory Conferences

Here’s a draft of a criteria for identifying predatory conferences. The draft was written by James McCrostie, a full-time Associate...

Defining Platinum Open Access

Recently I used the term “platinum open access” in an email I sent to several scholarly communication listserves. A platinum nugget. Photo...

Most Elegant Interior Design Ideas Inspired by Global Cultures

Every culture tells a story, and nowhere is that story more alive than in the spaces we create to call home. Drawing from global...