Did A Romanian Researcher Successfully Game Google Scholar to Raise his Citation Count?

The Google Scholar profile for Ştefan Vlăduţescu at Romania’s University of Craiova indicates that his publications have been cited 1,709 times. However,...

Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers 2016

By Jeffrey Beall, January 5, 2016. Each year at this time I formally release my updated list of predatory publishers....

Defining Platinum Open Access

Recently I used the term “platinum open access” in an email I sent to several scholarly communication listserves. A platinum nugget. Photo...

Step by Step Guide to Create a Successful YouTube Channel in 2024

In recent years, more and more people have realized that online careers can be very lucrative. Whether you want to...

What Credit Score is Needed To Get Approved for Unemployment Loans?

Being unemployed is tough. Money is tight and may not even be enough to cover all your bills and expenses....

What Is A Scholarly Article – Definition and Types

For research purposes, it is necessary to find a scholarly article, or, as they are also called, academic, peer-reviewed or...

The Serials Crisis is Over

I declare that the serials crisis, the event that gave birth to the open-access movement, is over. I base my declaration...

Sudanese Researcher Falls Victim to Questionable Publisher

Our friend Ravi Murugesan, a Mumbai-based teacher of scientific writing, shared a story about a Sudanese researcher who contacted him...

Hindawi’s ISRN Brand Offers to Pay for Articles

Cairo-based Hindawi Publishing Corporation is apparently launching a new strategy to invigorate its ISRN (International Scholarly Research Network) brand. The strategy...

Plagiarism in the “Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies”

The editor of the Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies, Senthil P. Kumar, wrote an editorial in the journal that contains passages that appeared in...

Poodle vs. Labradoodle ─ Which Is the Better Family Pet?

When deciding between a Poodle and a Labradoodle, there are key factors to consider, including temperament, maintenance, and lifestyle fit. Both breeds have their...