Chinese Publisher MDPI Added to List of Questionable Publishers

UPDATE 2015-11-13: MDPI has been removed from the list following a successful appeal. Updated 2014-02-27 I have added the Chinese publisher MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital...

Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers 2016

By Jeffrey Beall, January 5, 2016. Each year at this time I formally release my updated list of predatory publishers....

Misleading Metrics

This is a list of questionable companies that purport to provide valid scholarly metrics at the researcher, article, or journal...

Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers 2015

By Jeffrey Beall, January 2, 2015 Each year at this time I formally release my updated list of predatory publishers. Because...

New publisher: Scientific & Academic Publishing

One of the most recent additions to my list of questionable publishers is Scientific & Academic Publishing. This publisher claims to be...

Hijacked Journals

Sometimes someone will create a counterfeit website that pretends to be the website of a legitimate scholarly journal. The website...

Is SciELO a Publication Favela?

Scholarly open-access publishing has little value when it’s effectively hidden and almost no one reads the published research. It’s possible...

Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers 2013

The gold open-access model has given rise to a great many new online publishers. Many of these publishers are corrupt...

Criteria for Determining Predatory Open-Access Publishers (2nd edition)

In August 2012, I published the first edition of my Criteria for Determining Predatory Open-Access Publishers. I received many helpful comments...

Bogus Journal Accepts Profanity-Laced Anti-Spam Paper

The International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology has accepted for publication a manuscript that was first written in 2005 to protest spam...
wedding destination around the world

The Top Best Wedding Destinations for Your Dream Day

A wedding celebrates love and the beginning of a beautiful journey together. Choosing the perfect destination adds an extra layer of magic to this...