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The gold (author pays) open-access model has given rise to a great many new online publishers. Many of these publishers are corrupt and exist only to make money off the author processing charges that are billed to authors upon acceptance of their scientific manuscripts.

There are two lists below. The first includes questionable, scholarly open-access publishers. Each of these publishers has a portfolio that ranges from just a few to hundreds of individual journal titles.

The second list includes individual journals that do not publish under the platform of any publisher — they are essentially standalone, questionable journals.

In both cases, we recommend that researchers, scientists, and academics avoid doing business with these publishers and journals. Scholars should avoid sending article submissions to them, serving on their editorial boards, reviewing papers for them, or advertising in them. Also, tenure and promotion committees should give extra scrutiny to articles published in these journals, for many of them include instances of research misconduct.

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There are still many high-quality journals available for scholars to publish in, including many that do not charge author processing fees. An additional option is author self-archiving of article postprints in discipline-specific and institutional repositories.

The author is grateful to the many colleagues who have shared information about potential predatory publishers. Last year’s list included 225 publishers, and this year’s has over 477, evidence of the continued rapid growth in the number of predatory journals and publishers. The table below details the growth of questionable publishers since 2011.

Number of predatory publishers by year:

  • 2011 – 18
  • 2012 – 23
  • 2013 – 225
  • 2014 – 477

This list will be updated throughout the year at the blog Scholarly Open Access, Please refer to the blog rather than the lists below because the lists below will not be updated.

The criteria for inclusion in the lists can be found here. The author’s email address is:

List 1: Questionable Publishers

  1. Abhinav
  2. A M Publishers
  3. Academe Research Journals
  4. Academia Publishing
  5. Academia Scholarly Journals (ASJ)
  6. Academic and Business Research Institute
  7. Academic and Scientific Publishing
  8. Academic Journals
  9. Academic Journals and Research ACJAR
  10. Academic Journals, Inc.
  11. Academic Journals Online (AJO)
  12. Academic Publications, Ltd.
  13. Academic Research Journals
  14. Academic Research Publishing Agency
  15. Academic Scholars Publishing House
  16. Academic Sciences
  17. Academic Star Publishing Company
  18. Academic World Education & Research Center
  19. AcademicDirect
  20. Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
  21. Academy Journals
  22. Academy of IRMBR International Research in Management and Business Realities
  23. Academy of Knowledge Process
  24. Academy of Science and Engineering (ASE)
  25. Academy of Science and Social Science (ASSS)
  26. Academy Publish
  27. Access International Journals
  28. Ada Lovelace Publications
  29. Advance Research Publications
  30. Advanced Research Journals
  31. Advanced Science and Engineering Technology Institute (ASET)
  32. Advancement and Development in Technology International (Aditi)
  33. AENSI
  34. African Research Review (AFRREV)
  35. AgiAl Publishing House
  36. Aizeon Publishers
  37. Akademik Plus Publication
  38. AkiNik Publications
  39. American Academic & Scholarly Research Center (AASRC)
  40. American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT)
  41. American Scientific Research Journals
  42. American Society for Science and Engineering
  43. American V-King Scientific Publishing
  44. Annex Publishers
  45. ANSINetwork
  46. Antarctic Journals
  47. Aperito Publications
  48. Apex Journal
  49. Apex Journals
  50. Applied Science Innovations
  51. Archers & Elevators Publishing House
  52. ARPN Journals
  53. Ashdin Publishing
  54. Asian Academic Research Associates
  55. Asian Economic and Social Society (AESS)
  56. Asian Online Journals
  57. Asian Research Consortium
  58. Association of Computer Electronics and Electrical Engineers(ACEEE)
  59. AstonJournals
  60. Atlas Publishing, LP
  61. Austin Publishing Group
  62. Australian International Academic Centre Pty. Ltd.
  63. Avens Publishing Group
  64. Avestia Publishing
  65. Avicena Publisher
  66. Basic Research Journals
  67. Bell Press
  68. Bentham Open
  69. Better Advances Press
  70. Biohelikon
  71. BioInfo Publications
  72. BioIT international Journals 
  73. Biological and Chemical Publishing
  74. BioMedSciDirect Publications
  75. Bioscience Research & Educational Institute [Link dead as of 2012-11-14]
  76. Blue Ocean Research Journals
  77. BluePen Journals
  78. Bonfring
  79. Bowen Publishing
  80. British Association of Academic Research (BAAR)
  81. British Journal
  82. Business Journalz (BJ)
  83. Business Perspectives
  84. Canadian Center of Science and Education
  85. Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures  see CSCanada
  86. Canadian Science and Technology Press Inc.
  87. Cardiology Academic Press
  88. Center for the Development and Dissemination of Knowledge
  89. Center for Enhancing Knowledge (CEK), UK
  90. The Center for Innovations in Business & Management Practice
  91. Central Research Insight
  92. Centre For Info Bio Technology (CIBTech)
  93. Centre for Promoting Ideas
  94. Centre of Excellence for Scientific & Research Journalism (COES&RJ)
  95. Centre of Promoting Research Excellence (CPRE)
  96. Cloud Journals
  97. The Clute Institute
  98. Columbia International Publishing
  99. Comprehensive Research Journals
  100. Computer Science Journals
  101. CONFAB Journals
  102. Congress Press
  103. Contemporary Research Center (CRC), Australia
  104. Cosmic Journals
  105. CREST Journals
  106. Crown Journals
  107. CSCanada
  108. Cyber Journals
  109. Design for Scientific Renaissance
  110. DISA Publication Group (DP Group)
  111. Discovery Publishing Group 
  112. David Publishing
  113. Deccan Pharma Journals
  114. DeNovo Scientific Publishing
  115. Discourse Journals
  116. DRUNPP Sarajevo (Society for Development of Teaching and Business Processes in New Net Environment in B&H)
  117. E-International Journals of Academic & Scientific Research (EIJASR)
  118. E-International Scientific Research Journal Consortium (E-ISRJC)
  119. e-journals
  120. e3Journals
  121. Ebioscholar
  122. eCanadian Journals
  123. Econjournals
  124. Edorium Journals
  125. EDUGAIT Press
  126. EISRJC Journals (E-International Scientific Research Journal Consortium
  127. eLearning Institute
  129. Elewa Bio Sciences
  130. Elite Research Journals
  131. eJournals of Academic Research & Reviews
  132. Electronic Center for International Scientific Information
  133. Elmer Press
  134. Elyns Publishing Group
  135. Engineering and Technology Publishing
  136. Engineering Journals (Engg Journals Publications)
  137. Enliven Archive
  138. Erudite Journals Limited
  139. ESRSA Publication – Engineering and Science Research Support Academy
  140. ETA Maths Journals
  141. Euro Asia Research and Development Association
  142. EuroJournals
  143. European-American Journals
  144. ExcelingTech Publishing Company, Ltd.
  145. Far East Research Centre
  146. Ficus Publishers
  147. Genexcellence Publication (G Publications)
  148. Global Advanced Research Journals
  149. The Global Journals
  150. Global Journals, Inc. (US)
  151. Global Openaccess
  152. Global Research Journals
  153. Global Researchers Journals
  154. Global Research Online
  155. Global Research Publishing (GRP)
  156. Global Scientific, Inc.
  157. Global Technocrats & Intellectual’s Association (GTIA)
  159. GlobalSkope Publishing Society
  160. Green Earth Research Network
  161. Green Global Foundation (GGF)
  162. Greener Journals
  163. Growing Science Publishing Company
  164. Herald International Research Journals
  165. Herbert Open Access Journals
  166. Hikari Ltd.
  167. Horizon Research Publishing
  168. Human and Sciences Publications (HumanPub)
  169. Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (HRMARS)
  170. IBIMA Publishing
  171. IJRCM
  172. iMedPub = Internet Medical Publishing
  173. Impact Journals (Tamil Nadu, India)
  174. Indian Society for Education and Environment (ISEE)
  175. IndianResearchJournals.Com
  176. Indus Foundation for Education, Research & Social Welfare
  177. Infinity Press
  178. Infonomics Society
  179. Inforesights Publishing
  180. Ingenious Enterprises International (INGENIN)
  181. Innovare Academic Sciences
  182. Innovative Space of Scientific Research (ISSR Journals)
  183. INREWI
  184. Insight Knowledge
  185. Institute for Research and Development India (IRD)
  186. Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
  187. Institute of Doctors Engineers and Scientists (IDES)
  188. Institute of Electronic & Information Technology
  189. Institute of Language and Communication Studies
  190. Institute of Research and Journals (IRAJ)
  191. Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (IRED)
  192. Institute of Strategic and International Studies
  193. InTech Open Access Publisher – Mirror site
  194. Integrated Publishing Association
  195. Integrated Science Publications
  196. Intellect Journals
  197. Intellectual Archive
  198. Intercontinental Electronic Journals
  199. Interdisciplinary Publications
  200. Intermedcentral
  202. International Academic Journals
  203. International Academy of Business & Economics
  204. International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology(International ASET)
  205. International Academy of Science , Engineering and Technology(IASET)
  206. The International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA)
  207. International Advances for Research
  208. International Association for Engineering & Technology
  209. International Association for Engineering and Management Education (IAEME)
  210. International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT Press)
  211. International Association of Journals & Conferences (IAJC)
  212. International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research(IASIR)
  213. International Association of Technology Education & Industry
  214. International Center for Business Research
  215. International Centre of Culture Inventory
  216. International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering
  217. International Digital Organization for Scientific Information (IDOSI)
  218. International Educative Research Foundation And Publisher
  219. International Foundation for Modern Education and Scientific Research (INFOMESR)
  220. International Foundation for Research and Development
  221. International House for Academic Scientific Research [Link dead as of 2013-01-02]
  222. International Indexed Refereed Research Journal
  223. International Institute for Science, Technology and Education(IISTE)
  224. International Institute of Informatics and Systemics
  225. International Institute of Scientific & Industrial Research
  226. International Invention Journals
  227. International Journal Publishers Group
  228. The International Journal Research Publications
  229. International Journals of Engineering & Sciences
  230. International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy
  231. International Journals of Scientific Knowledge (IJSK)
  232. International Journals of Scientific Research (IJSR)
  233. International Network for Applied Sciences and Technology
  234. International Network for Scientific & Industrial Information
  235. International Network for Natural Sciences (INNSPUB)
  236. International Online Knowledge Services Provider (IOKSP)
  237. International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR)
  238. International Recognition Multidisciplinary Research Journals, Monthly Publish
  239. International Recognition Research Journals
  240. International Research E-Journals
  241. International Research Journals (Lagos, Nigeria)
  242. International Research Journals (Accra, Ghana)
  243. International Research Organization of Computer Science (IROCS)
  244. International Scholars Journals
  245. International Science Congress Association
  246. International Scientific Academic Corporation
  247. International Scientific Engineering and Research Publications
  248. International Scientific Publications
  249. International Society for Zoological Research (ISZR)
  250. International Society of Universal Research in Sciences (EyeSource)
  251. Internet Medical Publishing
  252. Internet Scientific Publications
  253. Interscience Journals
  254. Interscience Open Access Journals
  255. iProbe Group
  256. (IROSSS) International Research Organization of Sciences and Social Sciences
  257. ISISnet
  258. ISPACS (International Scientific Publications and Consulting Services)
  259. IRED International Journals
  260. Ivy Union Publishing
  261. JET Publishing
  262. Journal Issues
  263. Journal of Comprehensive Research
  264. JournalsBank
  265. JScholar Journals
  266. JSciMed Central
  267. Jyoti Academic Press
  268. Kaleidoscope Journals
  269. KEJA Publications
  270. Key Research Journals (KRJ)
  271. Kindi Publication
  272. Knowledgebase Publishers
  273. KnowledgesPublisher
  274. Knowledgia Scientific (formerly Knowledgia Review)
  275. KY Publications
  276. Leena & Luna International
  277. Lifescience Global
  278. Literati Scientific and Publishers  (Literati Publishers)
  279. Longbridge Publishing Company
  280. Lorem Journals
  281. Macrothink Institute
  282. Meghana Pubilcations 
  283. Management Education & Research Consortium Global (MERC Global)
  284. Management Journals
  285. Marsland Press
  286. Mary and Sam Research Academia
  287. Maryland Institute of Research
  288. Maxwell Scientific Organization
  289. MASAUM Network
  290. Medical Science Journals [Link dead as of 2012-11-14]
  291. Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research (MCSER)
  292. Medwell Journals
  293. Mehta Press
  294. Merit Research Journals
  295. MNK Publication
  296. Modern Scientific Press
  297. Moksha Publishing House
  298. Muhammadon Centre for Research and Development (MCRD)
  299. Mustang Journals
  300. Narain Publishers Pvt. Ltd (NPPL)
  301. National Social Science Association (NSSA)
  302. Natural Sciences Publishing Corporation
  303. Nauk Publication
  304. Net Journals
  305. New Ground Research Journals
  306. New World Sciences Academy
  307. Nexus Academic Publishers (NAP)
  308. NobleResearch Publisher
  309. Noto-are
  310. Novus Scientia Journals
  311. North Atlantic University Union
  312. Nuclei Online
  313. OA Publishing London
  314. Oceanic Journals
  315. OMICS Publishing Group
  316. OneCentral Press
  317. Online Journals Management System (OJMS)
  318. Online Research Journals
  319. Open Access Science Research Publisher (OASRP)
  320. OpenAccessPub
  321. Open Research and Science Library (ORSlib)
  322. Open Research Network
  323. Open Research Society
  324. Open Science
  325. ORIC Publications 
  326. Ozean Publications
  327. Pacesetter Online Publishers
  328. Pak Publishing Group
  329. PBS Journals
  330. Peak Journals
  331. Pelagia Research Library
  332. Pharma Intelligence
  333. Pharma Professional Services
  334. Pharmaceutical Research Foundation
  335. Pharmacognosy Network Worldwide
  336. PharmaInfo
  337. PharmaInterScience Publishers
  338. Photon Foundation
  339. Pinnacle Journal Publication
  340. Praise Worthy Prize
  341. Prime Journals
  342. Priyanka Research Journal Publication
  343. Progressive Science Publications
  344. Prudence Journals
  345. Purple Journals [Link dead as of 2013-10-19]
  346. Quazzy Journals
  347. R & S Publications [Link dead as of 2013-07-04]
  348. Recent Science
  349. RedFame Publishing
  350. Research and Reviews (An International Journals)
  351. Research Online Publishing (RonPub)
  352. Research Publish Journals
  353. Research Publisher
  354. Research WebPub
  355. RG Education Society (RG Journals of Scientific Research)
  356. Rising Vision (RV)
  357. Ross Science Publishers
  358. RS Publication
  359. Sacha International Academic Journals
  360. Sai Om Publications
  361. SAMANM Group of Research Publications (SGRP)
  362. SAVAP International
  363. Savvy Science Publisher
  364. Scholar Journals [Link dead as of 2013-04-20]
  365. Scholar People
  366. Scholar Science Journals
  367. Scholarlink Resource Centre Limited
  368. Scholarly and Academic Research Journals (SARJ)
  369. Scholarly Journals
  370. Scholars Research Library
  371. Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers (SAS Publishers)
  373. Scholink
  374. Sci Edit Publications
  375. SciDoc Publishers
  376. Sciedu Press
  377. Science & Knowledge Publishing Corporation Limited
  378. Science Academy Publisher
  379. Science Alert
  380. Science and Education Centre of North America
  381. Science and Education Publishing
  382. Science and Engineering Publishing Company
  383. The Science and Information Organization (SAI)
  384. Science and Technology Publishing
  385. Science Education Foundation
  386. Science Instinct Publications
  387. Science Journal Publication (SJP)
  388. Science Park Journals
  389. Science Publications
  390. Science Publishing Group
  391. Science Publishing Corporation
  392. Science Record Journals
  393. Science Target
  394. Science Web Publishing
  395. ScienceDomain International
  396. ScienceHuβ
  397. Scienpress Ltd.
  398. Scientific & Academic Publishing
  399. Scientific and Academic Publication
  400. Scientific Advances Publishers
  401. Scientific Journals
  402. Scientific Journals International
  403. Scientific Online Publishing
  404. Scientific Perspectives Publishing (Scipers)
  405. Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)
  406. Scientific Viewers
  407. Scigmoid
  408. Sciknow
  409. SciTechnol
  410. ScottishGroup Education and Testing Services
  411. Scribes Guild
  412. Segment Journals
  413. SETScholars
  414. Seventh Sense Research Group Journals
  415. Signpost e Journals
  416. Silicon Valley Publishers
  417. SPIRI The Global Research
  418. SJournals
  419. Sky Journals
  420. SmartPub (International Academy of Energy, Minerals and Materials)
  421. Society for Science and Nature
  422. Society of Business Research
  423. Society of Engineering Science and Technology (SEST India)
  424. Sphinx Knowledge House
  425. Spring Journals
  426. South Asian Academic Research Journals
  427. Southern Cross Publishing Group
  428. The Standard International Journals
  429. Standard Research Journals
  430. STM Journals
  431. Stringer Open
  432. Suryansh Publications
  433. Swiss Journals
  434. Symbiosis (Symbiosis Online Publishing)
  435. Synergy Publishers
  436. T&S Journal PUblications
  437. Technical Journals Online
  438. Technopark Publications
  439. Textroad Journals
  440. Thavan E ACT International Journals
  441. TI Journals
  442. Time Journals
  443. Tomas Publishing
  444. Topclass Global Journals
  445. Trade Science, Inc
  446. Trans Stellar (Transstellar)
  447. Transaction Series on Engineering Sciences and Technologies
  448. Transnational Research Journals (formerly Universal Research Journals)
  449. TSPublications [Link dead as of 2013-08-23]
  450. U.S. Science Press
  451. Unique Research Journals
  452. Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers(UACEE)
  453. Universal Association of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineers(UAMAE)
  454. Universal Research Publications
  455. Valleys International
  456. VBRI Press
  457. Whites Science Journals
  458. Victorquest Publications
  459. Watch Plus
  460. We-Together to Save Yourself Society
  461. Wilolud Journals
  462. Wireilla Scientific Publications
  463. World Academic Journal of Business & Applied Sciences (WAJBAS Publishing) [Publisher]
  464. World Academic Publishing
  465. World Academic Union
  466. World Academy of Research and Publication
  467. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET)
  468. World Business Institute Also here:
  469. World Journal of Publisher (WJP)
  470. World Open Access Journals
  471. World Scholars
  472. World Science Publisher
  473. World Science Research Journals (WSR Journals)
  474. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
  475. World Standard Organization
  476. Wudpecker Research Journals
  477. Wyno Academic Journals

List 2: Questionable Standalone Journals

This year’s list contains 303 titles; last year’s had 126.

  1. Academic Exchange Quarterly
  2. Academicus International Scientific Journal
  3. Academy of Contemporary Research Journal (AOCRJ)
  4. Acta  de Gerencia Ciencia (CAGENA)
  5. Advances in Forestry Letter
  6. Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences (AJMS)
  7. American Journal of Advanced Drug Delivery
  8. American Journal of Advances in Medical Science (ARNACA)
  9. American Journal of Engineering Research
  10. American Journal of Pharmacy and Health Research (AJPHR)
  11. American Journal of PharmTech Research (AJPTR)
  12. American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics
  13. American Journal of Social issues and Humanities 
  14. American Research Journal
  15. Anglisticum: International Journal of Literature, Linguistics & Interdisciplinary Studies
  16. Archives Des Sciences Journal
  17. Archives of Pharmacy Practice
  18. ARNACA American Journal of Advances in Medical Science
  19. Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  20. Asian Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
  21. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
  22. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences (AJBMS)
  23. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
  24. Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Life Science
  25. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care (AJPRHC)
  26. Australasian Journal of Herpetology
  27. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
  28. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research (AJBMR)
  29. Ayupharm: International Journal of Ayurveda and Allied Sciences
  30. The Bioscan
  31. Bioresearch Bulletin
  32. Bioscience Discovery
  33. Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia (BBRA)
  34. British Biomedical Bulletin
  35. British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences
  36. British Journal of Science
  37. Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences & Applications
  38. Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Research
  39. Bulletin of Society for Mathematical Services and Standards
  40. Calodema
  41. Canadian Chemical Transactions
  42. Case Studies Journals
  43. Chemical Science Transactions
  44. Computer Science Chronicle
  45. Computer Science Journal
  46. The Criterion: An International Journal in English
  47. Current Biotica
  48. Current Discovery
  49. Current Trends in Technology and Sciences (CTTS)
  50. Direct Research Journals
  51. E-Library Science Research Journal
  52. ExcelingTech Publishing Company, Ltd.
  53. Elixir International Journal (formerly Elixir Online  Journal)
  54. FOREX Technical Journal Library
  55. Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering
  56. Galaxy: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
  57. Global Journal of Management Science and Technology
  58. Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health
  59. Golden Research Thoughts
  60. Indian Journal of Applied-Basic Medical Sciences
  61. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR)
  62. Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki
  63. Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology (IJRPB)
  64. Indian Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR)
  65. Indian Streams Research Journal
  66. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
  67. Indo-Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  68. Innovations in Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacotherapy (IPP)
  69. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business
  70. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business (IDJRB)
  71. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ)
  72. The International Asian Research Journal (TIARJ)
  73. International Design Journal
  74. The International Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IIJE)
  75. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications
  76. International Journal of Advanced Research
  77. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE)
  78. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE)
  79. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE)
  80. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJARCST)
  81. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE)
  82. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Research (IJATER)
  83. International Journal of Advancements in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
  84. International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology(IJOART)
  85. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology(IJAET)
  86. International Journal of Advances in Power Systems (IJAPS)
  87. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences (IJACS)
  88. International Journal of Agricultural Management & Development
  89. International Journal of Agronomy & Plant Production
  90. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology (IJABPT)
  91. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature
  92. International Journal of Applied Research & Studies (iJARS)
  93. International Journal of Applied Research & Studies (iJARS)
  94. International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology(IJASBT)
  95. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics
  96. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research
  97. International Journal of Bio (IJOBIO)
  98. International Journal of Biomedical Science
  99. International Journal of Business and Commerce
  100. International Journal of Bussiness and Management Invention
  101. International Journal of Business and Social Research
  102. International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences(IJCPS)
  103. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS)
  104. International Journal of Computational Engineering Research
  105. International Journal of Computer & Electronics Research (IJCER)
  106. International Journal of Computer and Information Technology(IJCIT)
  107. International Journal of Computer Applications
  108. International Journal of Computer Application and Engineering Technology (IJCAET)
  109. International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering Sciences (IJCAES)
  110. International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics
  111. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security
  112. International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN)
  113. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security(IJCSNS)
  114. International Journal of Computer Science Engineering (IJCSE)
  115. International Journal of Computer Science Issues
  116. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
  117. International Journal of Current Research
  118. International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review(IJCRAR)
  119. International Journal of Current Research and Review
  120. International Journal of Current Science
  121. International Journal of Development and Sustainability (IJDS)
  122. International Journal of Development Research
  123. International Journal of Drug Development and Research (IJDDR)
  124. International Journal of E-Computer Science Evolution
  125. International Journal of Economics and Research
  126. The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment
  127. International Journal of Electrochemical Science
  128. International Journal of Electronics and Computer Research (IJECR)
  129. International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering
  130. International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology (IJECCT)
  131. International Journal of Emerging Sciences (IJES)
  132. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
  133. International Journal of Energy & Technology
  134. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology(IJEAT)
  135. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
  136. International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science (IJECS)
  137. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology(IJEIT)
  138. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research(IJEMR)
  139. The IJES: The International Journal of Engineering and Science
  140. International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention (IJESI)
  141. International Journal of Engineering Inventions
  142. International Journal of Engineering Research
  143. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
  144. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development(IJERD)
  145. International Journal of Engineering Research and Science & Technology (IJERST)
  146. International Journal of Engineering Science & Advanced Technology
  147. International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT)
  148. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology
  149. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology (IJESRT)
  150. International Journal of English and Education
  151. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies (IJ-ELTS)
  152. International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences
  153. International Journal of Fundamental & Applied Sciences
  154. International Journal of Governance
  155. International Journal of Health Research
  156. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research
  157. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)
  158. International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  159. International Journal of Information and Communication Research
  160. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research
  161. International Journal of Information Technology & Business Management
  162. International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science (IJITCS)
  163. International Journal of Innovative Ideas
  164. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development
  165. International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies
  166. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
  167. International Journal of Inventions in Pharmaceutical Sciences(IJIPS)
  168. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World
  169. International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Computing (IJLREC)
  170. International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research
  171. International Journal of Life Sciences Biotechnology and Pharma Research (IJLBPR)
  172. The International Journal of Management
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  174. International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJMESS)
  175. International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS)
  176. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research (IJMSBR)
  177. International Journal of Mathematical Research & Science
  178. International Journal of Mathematics and Soft Computing (IJMSC)
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  181. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences(IJMRHS)
  182. International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research
  183. International Journal of Medicine and Biosciences
  184. International Journal of Medicobiologial Research
  185. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)
  186. International Journal of Novel Drug  Delivery Technology
  187. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (IJPBS)
  188. International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Research Science (IJPRS Journal)
  189. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research
  190. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research (eIJPPR)
  191. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development(IJPRD)
  192. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention (IJPSI)
  193. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research
  194. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research(IJPSR)
  195. International Journal of Pharmacy
  196. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (IJPT)
  197. International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences
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  199. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research
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  205. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy
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  209. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology(IJRET)
  210. International Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Sciences
  211. International Journal of Reviews in Computing
  212. International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (IJSAT)
  213. International Journal of Science and Technology
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  228. International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences(IJUPBS)
  229. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC)
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  234. International Researchers
  235. Journal der Pharmazie Forschung (RAPSR)
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  238. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (Nairobi, Kenya)
  239. Journal of Applied Pharmacy
  240. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science
  241. Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy [Link dead as of 2013-05-06]
  242. Journal of Behavioral Sciences in Asia
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  245. Journal of Business Research (İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi)0
  246. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
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  248. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine
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  263. The Macrotheme Review
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  265. Modern Behavioral Science
  266. The Modern Journal of Applied Linguistics (MJAL)
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  268. National Journal of Medical and Dental Research
  269. Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology
  270. People’s Journal of Scientific Research
  271. The Pharma Research (Journal)
  272. Pharmacologia
  273. PharmacologyOnline (PhOL)
  274. PHARMANEST: An International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences
  275. Plant Digest
  276. Reef Resources Assessment and Management Technical Paper
  277. Research Directions: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (Research Directions Journal
  278. Research in Biotechnology
  279. Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering and Science
  280. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (RJPBCS)
  281. Researchers World – Journal of Arts Science & Commerce
  282. Review of Research
  283. Reviews of Progress
  284. Romanian Biotechnological Letters
  285. Science International
  286. Science Park
  287. Science Research Reporter
  288. Science Reuters
  289. Scientific World
  290. Seventh Sense Research Group Journal
  291. South Asian Journal of Mathematics
  292. Tactful Management Research Journal (TMRJ)
  293. Technics Technologies Education Management
  294. Universal Journal of Applied Computer Science and Technology
  295. Universal Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Technology (UniCSE)
  296. Universal Journal of Pharmacy (UJP Online)
  297. Weekly Science International Research Journal
  298. World Applied Sciences Journal
  299. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (WJPR)
  300. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (WJPPS)
  301. World Journal of Science and Technology (WJST)