The Fallout saga is nothing new on the contemporary gaming radar. Moreover, the narrative carved itself in the industry standard textbooks almost as soon as the first publication. Still, the latest batch failed to win the hearts of die-hard fans and received incomparably more negative than positive reviews. Fortunately, the developers from Bethesda knew what sort of a rough diamond lies in their hands and did not give up on the title but made multiple improvements that should not only lure new but also reclaim the old RPH aficionados. Thus, if you were wondering if you should come back to play Fallout 76, we suggest you go through the lines below and learn the tips for returning players to facilitate your journey through the post-apocalyptic virtual reality.
The Future is Yet to Come
Terrible reviews about the latest release speak everything an average gamer needs to know. To make a long story short, the title was ranked as the worst edition of the Fallout adventure, even though both the technological advancements and the popularity of the concept worked in favor of the newest release.
Fortunately, the developers realized their mistakes and broke their necks to compensate for the poor delivery and fix the glitches that messed up the playability of Fallout 76. What is also worth mentioning is that Bethesda sticks to a serious plan to support the title with regular future updates and gaming perks for the following half a decade, making Fallout 76 more than a serious project aiming both to reclaim the fell-asleep fans and to bring fresh faces to the table.
If you are familiar with the experience, you should know that the team behind the latest release started working on fixing the bugs right after the initial launch. Luckily, the trend seems to be nowhere but upwards, at least for the following five years.
Going on Your Own Steam
If you tried fighting your way through the mutated enemy lines back in 2018 then you must have been disappointed as the others who tried to achieve something on their own. The reviews state that the game was almost unplayable if you were not working with a team.
Now, even though there is no such thing as a single-player mode, we encourage you to try leaving your team behind. That is if you have one. Your solo efforts should not be in vain since the updates allow the individuals to shine almost as bright as the nukes you will have the opportunity to watch on the horizon.
On the other hand, when the support for the ones who prefer functioning within an organized team of their brothers in arms is in question, we should underline that the initial glitches were fixed and adjusted to the contemporary needs. Considering that Fallout 76 is designed to be a multiplayer adventure, it is astonishingly silly how the team behind the title failed to provide a sufficient technological architecture to support the venture. Considering you want to learn a bit more about other perks of the latest version, we suggest you pay Fallout 76 Return a visit.
What’s On the Menu?
Even though preparing meals does not sound like something that intrigues an average RPG aficionado, we urge you to pay attention to what you consume during your ventures through the Fallout 76 postapocalyptic setting. Namely, radiation takes its toll and it will affect the nutrients from the edibles you pick up on your way. Thus, we urge you to pay attention to what and when you eat, since the goods will spoil unless you eat and cook them promptly.
Additionally, we would be positive to divert your focus to what and when you snack. Every single meal should bestow you with specific features, so if you pay no attention to what you consume, the chances you will end up with undesirable attributes grow. In a nutshell, some edibles grant experience, might cure you, or make you fatter. Thus, think before you take that bite and do your best to plan your diet!
Stashing the Junk
If you are not careful, you might lose all the junk you have been collecting if somebody or something gets you. The catch is that you will drop your possessions right at the kill spot where the opponents would most probably rub their hands with pleasure upon noticing your fully stacked cadaver.
Therefore, we suggest you stash the junk as frequently as you can, or at least before going to the Workshop or any non-public event because getting sacked would imply your junk sack becomes an easy target for any nearby player.
On the other hand, we encourage you not to leave anything you can find but scrap it for later use. To make a long story short, it does not matter if you do not need a peculiar item since you can use the crafting station to get some valuable resources out of it. Not solely that, but you might also unlock specific mods for the items that you scrap. One way or another, you can only gain from the venture, especially if you consider it does not require too much time.
Camp Positioning
An overwhelming majority of former players complained about the assets they had to devote to the construction of their camps. In a nutshell, we suggest you plan the whole project before going all in since the positioning of your camp-to-be can make a huge difference when the expenses are concerned.
Namely, choosing a secluded location might imply you have the opportunity to shift your focus from the defense structures, such as turrets, to other segments of the construction. The fewer attacks the shelter has to deal with, the fewer defensive towers it would require, thus, saving you more than enough caps for different types of upgrades.
Hopefully, the aforementioned tips and pieces of information regarding the latest version will help you get back on track and continue your exploration of Fallout 76. We assure you it is utterly different from the title you might have given a go back in the day and that it surely deserves to be checked out!