If you’re planning on rewatching one of the best-animated sitcoms out there, Family Guy, you should know what episodes are the crème de la crème. That way, you can go straight to playing the episode that will catch your attention and keep you amused the entire time.
To save you from wasting time trying to figure this all out on your own, we provide you with a list of the top 15 best and most entertaining episodes you should watch. All there’s left to do is make some popcorn, make yourself comfy, and hit play!
Top 15 Family Guy Episodes To Watch
1. Road to the Multiverse (S8, E1)
We’ll start with the first episode of the eighth season which a lot of people consider to be the best episode of all time. This may be the best episode in the “Road to” series and, based on the IMDb comments, the best episode of the entire show.
It is jam-packed with jokes, what-ifs, and a horrifying picture of the future that includes flying automobiles, light-speed trains, and a human race that is a thousand years more evolved than our own.
The two-headed cosmos, devouring Mayor McCheese’s hamburger brains, and the actual role reversal in the canine universe are more interesting than any dig at Disney. Peter functions much better as a dog, too. These 20-something minutes of entertainment, which are both offensive and amusing, perfectly capture the spirit of “Family Guy.”
2. Back to the Pilot (S10, E5)
Revisiting the pilot episode is the ideal way to mark reaching season 10 of the show. The information that the entire program could be based on Stewie’s childhood memories is another excellent thing about this episode, along with demonstrating that no regardless of what is happening, Brian will always make it all about him and, in doing so, spark Civil War 2.
Yes, searching for a pee-covered ball can start the end of the world and reveal that rotating barber shop signs are essential to survival—but only in the “Family Guy” universe. Ultimately, it’s a tribute to modest beginnings and a path well traveled.
3. And Then There Were Fewer (S9, E1)
The first episode of Family Guy’s ninth season received an 8.5 rating on IMDb. The majority of Quahog is invited to a mansion for a dinner party at the start of the episode, which turns out to be hosted by the show’s character, James Woods, as an atonement for hurting them in a number of ways.
The characters are gradually eliminated in this large-scale murder mystery, but the perpetrator remains at large. In addition to being the first episode to air in high definition, this episode also had a thrilling narrative that many have hailed as one of the greatest in the whole series.
It is not just a copy of “Clue” and other mysteries, but it also succeeds as a whodunit on its own, with a narrative worthy of Agatha Christie. Stewie Griffin is the most prepared and crazy character on television, according to this episode, which is also brilliant, humorous, and packed with many surprising plot twists.
4. PTV (S4, E14)
The episode takes place in a universe where Quahog is banned after several complaints over a wardrobe malfunction on television saturated the Emmys. When censorship on television becomes excessive, Peter strikes back by founding PTV, an unfiltered network that broadcasts original content and prohibited movies.
When the FCC suspends PTV in spite of its popularity, Peter claims that they are unable to control people who are not on television. The FCC rises to the occasion and starts to impose censorship in bizarre ways.
It’s a brilliant method to demonstrate just how impractical the system is. Not to be forgotten, that tune was played live during the actual Emmys. That is one of the many reasons we so appreciate this show.
5. The Simpsons Guy (S13, E1)
This episode is definitely one of a kind, and it has been highly anticipated and welcomed by fans of both shows. When it comes to crossovers, most end up being quite disappointing, but not “The Simpsons Guy“.
It succeeds in part because Stan Smith and other MacFarlane celebrities appear in it, but it also serves to promote other MacFarlane products. However, it also successfully combines the two more popular programs, a feat aptly captured by Homer’s post-fight shout of “Roadhouse.”
This is a once-in-a-generation crossover that is genuinely nice in some areas, genuinely nasty in others, and even manages a strange poke at “Bob’s Burgers,” which we are so happy for.
If not for anything else, then because Meg has, at last, made a transient friend and discovered a transient ability. A wonderful concept that was implemented tastefully and carefully.
6. Yug Ylimaf (S11, E4)
This Family Guy episode, like many others, centers on time travel, in which Brian uses Stewie’s time machine to win the hearts of ladies. When Brian attempts to utilize the machine secretly hidden from Stewie by setting the “years traveled” indicator backward, his enjoyment comes to an end.
When the machine breaks down, Brian and Stewie realize that the world is going backward, meaning that if they don’t figure out how to fix it, Stewie will ultimately not be born.
Basically, this is just an opportunity to bring back some of the most outrageously nasty Griffin moments from the past and to prove that having kids doesn’t rescue relationships.
7. Stewie Kills Lois (S6, E4) & Lois Kills Stewie (S6, E5)
In this episode, while everyone else appears to be in good spirits, Stewie laments losing his lovely mother practically right away. Even Meg is very at ease taking on the role of mother to her younger brother while Peter is dating. It seems like the Griffins go forward extremely swiftly.
The second segment of this episode is titled “Lois Kills Stewie.” Here, Lois declares that Stewie tried to murder her but she is still alive. Lois goes off with the goal of killing Stewie because he has since been elected president in the meantime.
IMDb gave the episode an 8.3 rating, and viewers praised the return of Stewie’s original character, a matricidal infant, who had been hidden under a more flamboyant persona.
8. Meet the Quagmires (S5, E18)
The main character of this episode is Peter, who, with Death’s assistance, goes into the past to briefly live as a single man (Adam Carolla). As a result, Quagmire (Seth MacFarlane), rather than Peter, winds up with Lois, messing up the timeline.
Peter keeps giving other events precedence, which forces Death to keep rewriting the history to the time when Lois and Peter were supposed to go on a date to the movies. Death eventually loses patience with Peter and orders him to find a way to win Lois back on his own.
The most unsettling “Family Guy” parallel reality is featured in this episode. The peak of Peter’s compulsive drive to get his way can be seen in this episode, and everyone seems to be okay with it, even if it means returning to a world where everyone is miserable.
9. Road to the North Pole (S9, E7)
“Road to Festive Edition” at first appears to be a conventional holiday special with Mr. MacFarlane Sr. fronting it, but it ends up being everything but traditional.
After Quagmire offers Brian the gift of brutal honesty, Brian would naturally rather choose to bring a child to the North Pole than take responsibility for his canine carelessness.
Get ready for a Tim Burton-inspired piece about Christmas commercialization as well as a perceptive prediction about Gary Busey’s reality years before the rest of us realized it.
However, we still don’t know the specifics of Stewie’s grievance against Mrs. Claus. This episode is a spooky holiday adventure that makes you wonder what used to happen at the MacFarlane home over the holiday season.
10. Road to Rhode Island (S2, E13)
In this episode, taxidermy helps to somewhat clarify Brian’s origin tale. What isn’t made clear, though, is how he can get away with having a Big Gulp-sized glass of wine for breakfast and still be trusted with the safety of a child.
Stewie uses the underused term “slattern” in a great way when Brian finally encounters what’s left of his mother on the journey back from Palm Springs through Texas for whatever reason. The Bob Hope estate’s legal team gets warmed up as a result, and a famous “Family Guy” trope is formed.
This opener, which gave birth to some of the show’s most spectacular musical episodes, is a surprisingly sad affair, with Brian burying his own stuffed mother in an unassuming park. Never let anybody suggest that “Family Guy” lacks diversity.
11. Petarded (S4, E6)
This episode features one of the greatest pieces of conversation ever written in human history. Peter said, “Black is east, up is white,” expressing his perplexity at his unique parent position. Yes, we mean it.
Think for a moment about how clever that is. Or don’t, and think instead about how this episode also features the most bizarre cutaway of the whole course of the program up to this point. Yes, on the savannah, fire vehicles are stalking gazelles. There is no stranger or funnier “Family Guy” jokes than that.
12. Death is a Bitch (S2, E6)
In this episode, Peter is given permission to self-declare his death in order to avoid paying a medical bill. This was a terrible choice because it appears that Death himself follows instructions from the papers at the hospital.
We also discovered that, despite being targeted directly towards young females, the majority of “Dawson’s Creek” viewers were really middle-aged men.
The whining tone that usually arises from stand-up comedian Norm Macdonald is used to perfection to convey the idea that death is a self-serving jackass. However, it’s possible that the giant squid that the whole family is ignoring is the true reason this episode reached the list.
13. The D in Apartment 23 (S16, E6)
Some may say that the strong criticism of social media’s catastrophic potential is the highlight of this episode, but it’s not. No, it’s that Brian earned it. What Quagmire has been saying for years, and possibly what we’ve all been agreeing with for almost as long, is confirmed by “The D in Apartment 23”: Brian is definitely not a kind and considerate dog person.
For Quahog’s exceptional dad, he may have first served as a sort of external conscience a la Jiminy Cricket, but by this time, his amorality has been tragically revealed. Instead of detesting him for being a douchebag, detest him for being proud of it, and then detest Stewie for letting this nonsense continue.
14. Emmy-Winning Episode (S16, E1)
In the past, “Family Guy” received an Emmy nomination for outstanding comedy series. Even a few awards for great voice acting, music, and sound mixing have been given to it throughout the years. However, given how long it has been airing, it appears that the Emmy selection committee routinely ignores the program.
Considering the show’s flippant, childish tone—which isn’t exactly standard fare for award-winning programming—that might not seem odd. This episode has a lot going for it, but its spot-on homage to Jon Stewart is by far its finest element.
It makes fun of all shows having an Emmy to their credit. It’s amazing. The addition of Bill Maher, who has an elderly perma-smirk and wears a cheap suit, though, might have been excessive.
15. Three Kings (S7, E15)
These anthology-style “Family Guy” episodes can occasionally be either a hit or a miss. The comic casting in this Stephen King-themed version, however, could be considered a definite hit. As a substitute for River Phoenix, Quagmire is less appealing, but that was presumably the intention.
When it comes to “Misery,” where Stewie plays Annie but is actually a baby with a large wheel, it’s sort of brilliant. The “Friends” claps that let Peter escape on taco night are brilliant, though “Shawshank” was a little more blatant in that regard.