Your company may offer impeccable customer service and sell outstanding products, but this won’t be enough if people aren’t aware that your business exists. Smart marketing strategies and engaging campaigns will be essential for getting the word out about your products and attracting more customers, but you want to make sure that they remember your brand just as much as the items they purchased from you.
A business’s brand is more than just a logo and a catchy name and tagline. It should encompass everything your company stands for and inspire trust and confidence in your customers.
When people hear your business name or see your logo, you’ll want them to feel happy and excited to try a new product or to learn more about what your business has been up to. You’ll also want to make sure that other businesses in your sector recognize your brand and see it as an inspiration as well as a competitor they need to take seriously.
To make this happen however, you will need to take the necessary steps to promote your brand and increase awareness of it. While some of your marketing campaigns will certainly help with this, below are some other ideas that can boost your visibility even further.
Organize a Charity Fundraiser as a Company
One excellent way to increase brand awareness and give back to the community is to organize a charity fundraising event. This can be a fantastic opportunity to not only tell more people about your business but also highlight an important cause that means something to you.
There is also the potential to support a different charity each year, allowing your team members to take turns in choosing an organization that’s important to them.
There are several events you can pick as a fun charity fundraiser that will capture the attention of people in your community and beyond, encouraging them to get involved and make donations. Some examples of these include sporting events, live music concerts, danceathons, auctions, or movie nights.
Make sure you’ve spoken to the charity you want to support to tell them you want to host this event, and get all the relevant information to help promote their cause. You could even invite a guest speaker from the charity to come and represent their organization and speak to attendees about their work.
Sell Branded Merchandise
You should also consider selling some branded merchandise on your business website or in stores, as this can be a smart way to increase brand visibility and make sales at the same time.
A lot of people like to wear clothing or accessories sporting their favorite brands’ logos, especially if there the designs are cool and stylish. Some popular options for branded merchandise include tote bags, hats, jumpers, t-shirts, and even mugs, glassware, stationery, and other useful items.
Even if you don’t choose to sell branded merchandise, it can be a smart idea to have company representatives wearing branded t-shirts or other clothing at official business events. This might be a charity fundraiser as mentioned above, at trade or careers fairs, or even team-building days. You can order a variety of high-quality branded clothing and other items for your business at Anthem Branding.
Start a Podcast
This is another option to explore if you want to raise awareness of your business brand, but it can take more time to organize. Despite the extra effort involved, however, a podcast is certainly worth exploring as this is now a popular medium that many of your customers will engage with.
You could speak about topics that are relevant to your brand, and invite guests who are industry professionals and leaders to come and discuss these subjects on the show with your host. You may even invite your listeners to get involved, encouraging them to send in their thoughts, questions, stories, etc., and sharing these on the podcast as well.
It’s a great way to get more people talking about your company and recognizing your brand as one that is passionate and knowledgeable within your industry. It’s also easy for customers/listeners to put the podcast on during their commutes, walks, or when they want to relax at home, making this form of promotion easy for them to access.
As an alternative to a podcast, or as an additional part of your company’s media production, you could choose to make short videos instead.
These could be shared on a dedicated YouTube channel for the brand, and/or on your company website. Sharing clips of these videos on social media could be another brilliant way to engage your followers and drive more traffic to your website. This will certainly boost your brand’s visibility, and hopefully, result in more sales in the long term.
Sponsor a Local Sports Team
A lot of businesses choose to sponsor local sports teams, whether it’s a school team or teams in a small national league. This is not only another great way to become more involved in your local community but it can be the perfect way to get your brand recognized by more people.
Your company name and logo will be on the team’s kit, as well as placed across other promotional materials that they use and their website. You could even offer team players discounts for your products, or the same for season ticket holders for their matches as another way to promote your brand to more people.
There are always a lot of things to consider when you’re running a business, but it’s important to carefully curate your brand’s image and ensure that people are aware of it.
Utilizing social media is a great start, but it can also be easy to get lost in the void as there are countless other companies on these platforms, promoting their products and brand. So, do think about the suggestions above and see how they can help you boost awareness of your business and encourage people to fall in love with your brand.