The OMICS Publishing Group’s Empire is Expanding

OMICS Group, the Hyderabad, India-based group of scholarly publishing-related companies, is expanding and now operates at least twelve publishing imprints...

The Scientific World Journal Will Lose Its Impact Factor – Again

The troubled publication Scientific World Journal will once again lose its impact factor (this time for 2014), according to one Thomson Reuters...

Bogus British Company “Accredits” OMICS Conferences

Notorious open-access publisher OMICS International operates a scholarly conference division called Conference Series LLC. I learned recently that a London-based corporation called The CPD...

More Fringe Science from Borderline Publisher Frontiers

The scandal-plagued, Switzerland-based publisher Frontiers has just published a chemtrails conspiracy theory paper by the same author whose earlier article was published and then...

Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers 2017

Each year at this time I formally announce my updated list of predatory publishers. Because the publisher list is now...

Scam Publisher OMICS International Buying Legitimate Journals

Hyderabad, India-based open-access publisher OMICS International is on a buying spree, snatching up legitimate scholarly journals and publishers, incorporating them into its...

Would You Take a Cancer Cure Proven Effective in a Predatory Journal?

I am writing this blog post in hopes of starting a conversation in the scientific community about the medicine called...

Watch Out for Publishers with “Nova” in Their Name

Two unrelated publishers with the word “Nova” in their name have been bothering researchers with spam emails recently. One is...

More Controversy Over Open-Access Publisher MDPI

Entropy is an open-access journal published by MDPI, the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, based in Basel, Switzerland. The journals were formerly published by...

The Chinese Publisher SCIRP (Scientific Research Publishing): A Publishing Empire Built on Junk Science

Another day, another report of a junk science article published by China-based publisher Scientific Research Publishing, or SCIRP. This publisher specializes...

Most Elegant Interior Design Ideas Inspired by Global Cultures

Every culture tells a story, and nowhere is that story more alive than in the spaces we create to call home. Drawing from global...