Most Powerful Mafia Bosses of All Time

Everyone has heard of the mafia. From movies to books, the criminal underworld has captivated our collective imagination for generations....

17 Strange Reasons Real People Got Divorced

Vows are exchanged in every marriage “till death do us part,” but it seems like some crazy deal-breaker finds its...
A person struggling to balance sleep and self-care as an overachiever.

Ways to Balance Sleep and Self-Care as an Overachiever

Are you joggling with your time between billion things you chose to do at once? In this day and age...

How to Find the Right Balance of Honesty and Compassion in Your Life and...

The book is about the importance of finding the right balance of honesty and compassion. The authors emphasize that it...

How to Ask Your Sugar Daddy Where Your Relationship Is Going (Without Seeming Clingy)

No woman likes initiating the “where is this going” talk with someone she’s been steadily dating, especially if she’s a...

Relationship Coaches Help Solve the Problem of Cheating and Infidelity

Seeking support from outside is sometimes the only way for those who want to sort out and permanently deal with...

Is It Possible to Fire a Worker in New York Without Facing a Lawsuit...

From time to time, you may decide or be forced to lay off employees at your New York company. Your...

How To Find Your Perfect Place in New York in 7 Steps?

There's no denying that New York is an incredible city and a dream destination for many. However, it can also...

How to Spend an Evening with Your Significant Other

A cozy evening in the company of the second half – sounds perfect, doesn't it? Often, all couples eventually come...

Can You Wear Glasses Over Halloween Contact Lenses For Driving?

Halloween is just around the corner. It’s a fun time of year when everyone is after a spooky look, dressing...
Budget for a Bachelorette Party

How Much Should You Budget for a Bachelorette Party? Tips for...

Alright, let’s get real about planning for a bachelorette bash. The kind of real where we’re not sugarcoating things or pretending money isn’t a...