If you’re a tech-savvy person who is well aware of the tips and tricks that can make computer use easy, quick and efficient, you certainly have an advantage over those who don’t. Even if you have the latest versions of desktops/laptops and high-speed internet services, make sure you know PC tricks because it comes handy. For good internet services like cox internet, click here to find out more. Because computer and internet go hand in hand.
You want to learn tips and tricks of improving your computer performance, internet is your key. Similarly, for whatever purpose you are using your PC, learn all the necessary tips to help you improve your experience. Because many people tend to brag that they are computer savvy but don’t know the tricks that matter the most.
To reap the full benefits of the machine/gadget you’re using, you need to understand its processes as well as the ways you can improve them. This would boost your productivity and work efficiency because you wouldn’t have to run to IT professionals to fix every minor issue. It saves time, enhances your knowledge and makes you self-sufficient. It’s a learning process and none can be perfect at any point in time. But with time you will know most of the issues that people face and correct them in an easier way without outside help.
Here are some useful computer user tips that you must know.
1. Use Shortcuts
One of the biggest advantages of using a computer is that it can do a lot of things at a much faster speed than humans could ever do. Being familiar with shortcut keys can further decrease this time. For example, if you’re looking for a certain word or phrase in a long article/page, instead of going through it entirely simply type Ctrl+F and it’ll take you to it in a second. Similarly, you could use Ctrl+T when you want to open a new tab in your browser, Ctrl+S to save a file and Ctrl+P to print it out. Memorizing these keys may seem like a hassle initially, but you’ll be amazed at how helpful and convenient they are in the long run. Using them can save a lot of time and you can meet those urgent work deadlines a lot faster.
2. Access Files & Home Computer from Anywhere
While using laptops at coffee shops or a friend’s place, you may have encountered situations where you needed instant access to a file or folder that’s saved on your home computer. This can be quite annoying, especially when it keeps you from completing a task/process that was otherwise very simple. One way to address this issue is to use internet-based cloud storage systems such as Dropbox. However, it’s also useful to know how you can access and use your home computer regardless of your location. It’s not a long hard process. You just need a simple app such as TeamViewer to log in to your home computer from a different machine. It’ll allow you access to all programs/files and use your home computer as if you’re sitting right before it.
3. Protect Your System
You need to take measures to protect your system from hazards such as blackouts, brownouts and electrical surges. You should at least have one surge protector for your computer and another one for your modem. A surge protector guards your system against electrical storms thereby saving you repairing costs. However, bear in mind that it does not serve as a protection against severe circumstances like hurricanes (in which case you must have online backup services). You could also make use of UPS in this regard as it can safeguard your system from the damage caused by brownouts and blackouts.
4. Regularly Update Your Programs & System
Every software or hardware installed in your system comes with its own set of issues. When a new program is released by a developer, issues in it may be identified or discovered at a later stage. To fix these issues and keep them from becoming a hurdle, hotfixes, updates and patches are released. Big operating systems and applications have hundreds of different hotfixes and patches during their lifecycle. To avoid the issues that arise with using an outdated or problematic program, you need to keep your system updated with the latest patches. Also, if you’re using programs that utilize plugins, you may have to update them separately.
5. Set Up a Back-up
We all know how important it is to back up our computer, yet every day we tend to hold off the task until the next day. Setting a backup is easier and less time-consuming than you may think. In fact, it is only a matter of minutes. If you’re creating a back-up in an external drive, you can use simple built-in computer tools like Windows Backup. But this would only keep the data safe if your computer crashes. If God forbid your house is destroyed in a storm, fire or you experience any other form of disaster, you’ll have lost all your important and precious documents, files and pictures forever. Hence, it is recommended to back up your system online so that your data is safe regardless of the kind of damage caused to your hardware. You can make use of services such as CrashPlan to do so.
We all know that whenever someone learns computers tricks or stuff, that person thinks that he has become a hacker of some sort. But it is not the case. Whatever tricks or hacks you learn should be used in the right manner for your own stuff. Because at the end of the day, it will help you save a lot of time, money and effort. So, better learn the required possible tricks and make your life easier.