It often happens that some of us or our family members are hurt or injured due to the negligence of a third party. This can happen due to a mistake made by another person, company, etc. Unfortunately, these are the situations that force us to file a claim for damages for the injury.
What’s important is to know is that this procedure does not have to be the same in all US states. If such a situation occurs to you in Texas – you may be surprised by the procedural issues that await you in such a case. Therefore, we bring you some of the answers to the question of how to file a personal injury lawsuit in Texas.
A Personal Injury Lawsuit Requires The Assistance Of A Lawyer
Did you have a car accident, an accident at work – or an injury on the sports field? Maybe you had the accident of being bitten by the owner’s dog? Want to make up for your damage? Of course, it is possible. But how do you handle the numerous procedures that accompany personal injury lawsuits in Texas? This is the second most populous US state, and therefore their system has been formed to recognize many types of different litigation. In this situation, you will certainly turn to a lawyer who specializes in this type of dispute.
However, it might not be a bad idea to know at the outset what options are available to you when it comes to a personal injury lawsuit. If you know that – you will save yourself time and money. What is important to know at the outset is the fact that consultations with most lawyers are completely free. Therefore, you can easily find out if you have enough material for a lawsuit or not. If your case is accepted by a law firm – most of them will not charge you a fee unless you win.
Take Into Account The Statute Of Limitations For Litigation
As everywhere, there is a deadline in Texas for you to file a personal injury lawsuit. After the expiration of this period, the statute of limitations expires – and you must keep this fact in mind. In practice, this means that if you meet the deadline for filing a lawsuit – you are no longer entitled to it. While this may seem a little unfair to some – this measure has its justification. Namely, the goal is to resolve and end any litigation of this type within a reasonable time from the moment the incident in question occurred.
What’s The Deadline In Texas?
As we already said, strategies and even deadlines fluctuate from state to state. In Texas, the legal time limit for individual injury procedures happens within 2 years from the date that the injury has happened.
However, if your physical issue includes the responsibility of the state itself (for instance, you broke your leg because of a hole in the street) – at that point, this period is essentially abbreviated. Therefore, you should present your case inside a limit of a half year. It is comprehended that you add to your claim all the fundamental proof, data, and a total depiction of the occurrence that happened. Each law office, regardless of whether in Houston, Dallas, or Austin – will offer you similar guidance, so we suggest you check this. Hire a legal advisor before the legal time limit terminates.
Types Of Personal Injury Compensation
Traffic Accidents
The number of vehicles on the roads and traffic participants is increasing day by day, which brings with it an increased risk of traffic accidents. Be careful in traffic, and in case an accident does happen, be sure to contact a lawyer as soon as possible!
As in most states, in Texas, compensation for damage is paid by the insurance of the person who caused the accident and thus caused injury to someone. After a traffic accident, the injured party may file a claim with the insurance company of the driver who caused the accident and thus collects compensation for his damage or injuries.
Accidents At Work
According to statistics, tens of thousands of workers are injured in the workplace every year, but not everyone seeks compensation. This usually happens due to ignorance or fear of a long process and job loss. If an accident occurs, contact one of the reliable law firms that will allow you to find the right way to get compensation. In this regard, you can claim damages for both pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages. Material implies your hospital and medical expenses, while intangible can refer to the pain, stress, and similar things you have suffered.
Dog Bite
This is one of the most interesting legal examples in Texas. Namely, this state does not have a special statute that covers liability for dog bites. In this regard, this state has taken advantage of the opportunity provided by the Supreme Court of Texas.
It is the so-called – One Bite Rule. What does this mean in practice? In practice, this means that the dog owner will not bear any legal responsibility – if his dog bites someone or shows signs of aggression for the first time. If that was not in the previous record, there will be no responsibility. This refers to the situation if the owner was not aware of the dog’s aggression, – or if mutual negligence influenced the occurrence of the incident. For example, if another person provoked the animal.
Accidents In A Public Place
An accident can happen in any public place, and you have the right to be compensated for the damage caused to you. Especially if it’s about negligence. This type of injury can sometimes be the responsibility of individuals as well as the state. Let’s say you ran into an open manhole that wasn’t well marked. In this case, you have the right to compensation from the state or city in which the violation occurred.
However, please note that we have drawn your attention to meeting the deadlines for filing a lawsuit. If it is the state that needs to compensate you – make sure you forward the lawsuit on time and the deadline for such a thing is 6 months from the occurrence of the violation. In case you are late – you will not have a case. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a reliable lawyer for such things.