When it comes to your child, making certain decisions are not as easy as taking a stroll down the park or having a change of clothes. It’s true that experience is the best teacher but when it comes to children, I beg to differ.
Every child is unique and special, even down to their needs. So whether or not you are a first time mother, making decisions regarding your child’s wellbeing or in this case, knowing when to switch from feeding formulas is imperative.
When to stop drinking formula

Research as shown that a baby can officially stop bottle-feeding or breastfeeding at 12 months. With this being said, it is also a gradual process and would take some time for you and your child to get used to, as long as a year. Just make sure to begin the process when your child is 12 months old.
Do babies need infant formulas after 12 months
There are different stages to feeding your baby formulas and they are all dependent on the age of your child. At 12 months, your child should be fed stage 3 formula which is also referred to as toddler’s milk. Its has proven easy to digest and also contains all essential nutrients needed for the growth of your baby at this age.
Usually, a lot of parents are concerned that these formulas don’t provide all the essential formulas that their toddlers need. Well, worry not because these formulas have been designed to meet every nutritional need of your child at this age.
You will find that they are well aware of your baby’s needs as their formulas are rich in proteins, minerals, and vitamins, making it super simple to make a diet switch for your child.
They have also made allowances for babies with certain digestive peculiarities and sensitivities. The formula options are vast and some of them are rich in probiotics and prebiotics to balance the microflora system of your baby, aiding easier digestion.
You can get these options from Organic’s Best shop and make the journey an easy one.
Choosing a Formula for your child requires a lot of consideration. You have to choose and decide what milk type and form of formula will be best. If your baby has been on formula before, you can use the same milk type as a guide in choosing a toddler formula.
If your child has never been on formula, and hasn’t had any problems digesting breastmilk, then you can go for any milk type. If your child has a history of milk allergy or lactose intolerance, then goat milk and soy milk formula are the safest.
There are also organic and inorganic formula types to choose from. Organic formula is made from milk of organic farm animals. Formulas are required to contain at least 95% organic ingredients in order to achieve organic certification. Inorganic baby formula is made from selected farm animals, but do not require any specific organic certification.
Here are some organic formula types to choose from:
HiPP German
HiPP German is a german made formula that serve options for babies who need formulas void of Starch(HiPPP PRE and HiPP No Starch). Examples of some of these formulas made in Germany include the following:
- HiPP Comfort
- HiPP Anti-Reflux
- HiPP Combiotic Pre
- HiPP Hypoallergenic Pre
- HiPP Hypoallergenic Stage 1
- HiPP Hypoallergenic Stage 2
- HiPP Starch-Free
- HiPP Kinder Milch 1 & HiPP Kinder Milch 2
- HiPP Stage 1,Stage 2, and Stage 3.
HiPP Comfort
HiPP Comfort formula has been specially made for children who experience difficulties in digesting certain foods or proteins. The prebiotics and Probiotics help maintain the good microflora in their digestive tract.
Other substances like taurine is responsible for combating issues like intestinal colic, reducing gas accumulation and ensuring growth in the baby. Fat works hand in hand with the baby’s immune system and fight against any unsuspecting infection.
HiPP Anti-Reflux
HiPP Anti-Reflux formula helps tackle issues regarding regurgitation and vomiting. The formula contains a substance called carob. Carob helps thicken the formula in the stomach, hereby acting as a barrier in the stomach. This reduces and even stops any form of reflux, or vomiting that your baby could experience.
The Hipp Anti-Reflux formula is advantageous for the following reasons:
- Acts as a physical barrier in the stomach which in turn stops reflux and vomiting
- Filled with natural microflora (bacteria)that are not present in breast milk but aids easy digestion.
- Has fatty acid content which are absent in an infant’s body during their first weeks of life. These substances are very important for growth.
- All natural and organic: this formula is void of any extra sugar, preservatives, genetically modified organisms, dyes, flavorings or even salt.
- Has an amazing fill of prebiotics and Probiotics that helps maintain a healthy and balanced microflora system that promotes easy digestion.
- Contains natural thickener (Gum of carob) which acts as the stomach’s physical barrier to prevent reflux. This substance is a Fiber by nature so your baby won’t have problems with stooling or constipation.
Hipp HA Formula
Hipp HA is a hypoallergenic formula that has been made specially for children battle allergy and hypersensitivity. It has been graded into 3 stages(1,2, and 3) to afford availability for children on all ages(till at least 18 months). The proteins in the formula has been maximally broken down which in turn decreases any chance for allergic reactions.
The formula in itself is very rich in probiotics like fermented lactobacilli. These probiotics are usually found in mother’s milk and its main function is to promote healthy and easy digestion by balancing and normalizing the baby’s intestinal microflora. It also contains fatty acids that help with the brain and vision acuity of the baby.
The formula contains no inorganic substance and does not compromise on your baby’s growth and development whilst combating and providing great solutions for whatever issues your baby may have.
Gently processed, Holle organic infant formula provides your child with a wholesome, natural, and balanced diet – from the very beginning.
Holle is one of the oldest of baby formula in Europe. It is one of the few companies to receive a Demeter certification.
Holle formula is gluten-free, easy to digest and does not include any added sugars. Holle’s infant formulas come in stages.
They are meant for new-born babies (Stage PRE, Stage 1) to 6 months (Stage 2, Stage 3) and 12 months old babies (Stage 4). Holle organic infant formula is used by parents that value high organic certification.
Loulouka is a Dutch brand that is redefining baby formula by creating a formula composition without palm-oil and with Swiss organic milk. Their formula is made in Switzerland, which is known to be home of the best cow farms.
These formulas are organic according to the EU regulations, which is why the product you will be receiving is of the best quality for the best nutrition possible. As well, the whole process of production and the final product are thoroughly regulated, which ensures that it is environmentally friendly and that it is optimal to help your kid in his/her first years of life.
This formula is perfect for children from their 10 month of life and onwards. It is a highly nutritious formula, made from organic substances void of chemicals or preservatives, no added sugars, no soy and no corn syrup. Additionally, it contains long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPs) in the form of Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Omega-6.