
Genetic heritage, pollution, physical inactivity, smoking, and stress – are just some of the many risk factors that can affect the appearance of many diseases. Some of them can’t be influenced – but many habits can be changed by introducing some of the rules that can contribute to living a healthy and long life. That is why each person needs to decide to change something in their adult life – and accept 10 key tips for long and healthy life.

Healthy Habits – 21st Century Trend


If the 21st century is to be remembered for something, then it is certainly the global trend of adopting healthy habits. Namely, if we took a closer look at what has been happening in the last ten years –  activities such as running and yoga, new eating habits that promote a balanced diet, not skipping breakfast, menus with as many fruits, vegetables, fish and healthy fats would surely be at the top of the list. Also, smoking has become OUT, but not in the sense that it is not in trend. Now it has a much deeper and more meaningful sense – people have realized that it is harmful, shortens life, and causes many life-threatening diseases.

Save Your Health


Being healthy is the most important thing in our life. It is because without health we are not able to lead a quality life. However, many people today believe that it is impossible to lead a healthy life. Because of such thoughts – a lot of them don’t take care of their health at all. Moreover, they nurture the opposite lifestyles. This is especially true for younger people, who think their health is largely preserved. However, it’s not like that anymore – and nowadays younger people have more and more health issues. Although we are familiar with this disturbing fact – we still mostly continue with the old way of life, until it is too late to do anything for our health. In the following presentation, we will put special emphasis on all those things that can help you preserve your health – and thus the quality of your life.

What Can We Do?

However, it is still important to point out how small daily changes can affect both our happiness and our health. Here’s what you can do yourself. Here are 10 healthy lifestyle tips that you should adhere to if you want to welcome a healthy and vital older age.

1. Eat Healthy, Various And Simple


Cereals, seeds, fruits, vegetables, so-called superfoods, and nuts – these are valuable foods. They should be consumed daily because all together – they are rich in plant proteins, healthy fats, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. Daily intake of these foods has been proven to reduce the risk of various diseases. Besides eating these foods, avoid complicated recipes. They require you to stay in the kitchen unnecessarily. Instead, turn to simple and healthy recipes – where you will minimize the heat treatment of food. Then you will have much more time for other physical activities.

2. Be Physically Active And Spend More Time Outdoors


Fresh air has a good effect on our mood and immunity, while moderate exercise is very good for our body. Choose the ones that suit you best. According to, you should exercise at least 3 times a week. Namely, during exercise, your metabolism grows – and it should remain so for 48 hours. If you take a longer break – your metabolism drops again. It has to stay on that level so you always have energy and be strong. Therefore, it is recommended that you exercise at least every other day. If the weather is bad outside, you can exercise inside. The benefits of physical activity are numerous. People who exercise regularly have more energy, balanced bodyweight, improved blood sugar level, etc. Also, it improves the level of protective cholesterol HDL, reduces blood pressure and the risk of blood clots in blood vessels, reduces stress levels, and even a kind of help in quitting smoking.

3. Drink Water


Water is essential for good health. It also helps regulate weight. The more water you ingest, the faster your metabolism works. Of course, you need to have a measure. If the body is accustomed to not taking water, it stays in the area of the ankles, around the thighs and waist. The moment you start with your daily recommended water intake – those deposits will disappear and you will lose weight. Water also helps with breathing, regulates body temperature, helps with muscle function, transmits nutrients, and removes harmful ingredients. It helps maintain the skin and makes the complexion more beautiful and fresh.

4. Be Careful With Diets


Do not take diets in which you will starve to lose weight quickly. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Make sure you consult a nutritionist – and you will get a diet that is tailored to you.

5. Get Enough Sleep


Each of us has a different need for sleep. Therefore, it is not possible to establish the optimal amount of sleep that is necessary for every person. Some people need six hours of sleep, while others need up to ten hours of sleep. This also depends on our age, season, as well as our physical activity. The only important thing is to get a good night’s sleep because sleep strengthens your body.

6. Avoid Stress And Stressful Situations


If you are often stressed, depressed, or in a bad mood – it will affect your quality of life. You will be accompanied by negative feelings, as well as negative thoughts, which you will often pass on to other people around you. Then you will evaluate each situation negatively, and then you will react negatively in accordance with it. That way, you will enter a vicious circle from which it is difficult to get out. That is why you need to arm yourself with positive thoughts if you want to lead a healthy and quality life.

7. Moderately With Drinks


Reduce the use of alcoholic beverages and high-calorie and sweetened soft drinks. One glass of soft drink contains 80-100 kcal, and we often call them empty calories, because they do not provide valuable essential nutrients – and they also contain a large amount of energy.

8. Laughter Is The Best Cure


One should laugh and look for a note of comedy in everyday life situations. Each person should laugh for eight to ten minutes a day. Everyone needs to learn to look at life from a brighter side – and must “rise” above many situations.

9. Create A Network Of Mutual Assistance From Your Family And Friends


Nurturing good relationships with family and hanging out with friends is something that everyone needs. It should be borne in mind that good relationships with family and friends have a positive effect on people with chronic diseases and encourage healing in patients.

10. Think Positive


Self-confidence is half the solution to the problem. Experts from Harvard University have the opinion that the body is a factory that produces all drugs – but that we must recognize how to activate them. Therefore, make a list of things you do successfully every day.