In our lives, we are constantly taking exams: it may be speeches at seminars, conferences, presentations, various tests. Sooner or later absolutely every student faces these problems and becomes a student.
Today, it is especially exciting for graduates before taking the USE, which is new for our country. Even someone who prefers to live cheerfully “from session to session,” pay for essays, for example, on PayToWritePaper website and use cheat sheets, will not be spared the need to report. This is where the problems that are familiar to many begin: trembling in the knees, stiffness of the muscles, and thoughts. Often even, what you knew disappears somewhere, and the exam can end miserably. About how to combat the lack of knowledge, the recipe has been known for hundreds of years: study. However, what to do when you have studied, and treacherous fear and excitement prevent a decent answer?
Psychologists have long studied this question. Moreover, it is far from helping students pass their exams. It was necessary to work on increasing the psychological resilience of people whose profession is associated with risk. For example, back in the 70s, studying the problem of psychological stability of pilots, psychologists discovered that strong emotions experienced by a person are reflected in his or her well-being. In this case, there are adverse changes in importance for a person’s mental and motor functions; there is tension, which prevents the success of the task. Relevant conclusions were drawn, some of which can be successfully applied in preparation for exams, tests, or responsible speeches.
A simple but effective scheme for self-control of external manifestations of emotion and the procedure for overcoming them has been developed. Exercise is to develop the skills of proper breathing, the habit of controlling your muscles. First, pay attention to your condition. Observe whether there is any involuntary muscle tension? Am I stiff? How am I sitting? How is my facial expression? Am I breathing fast? If the answers are positive, it is helpful to teach your body to relax: start by slowing your breathing and gestures; listen to your heartbeat, and you will feel it slow down, too, and you will become calmer.
- Relax your arm and leg muscles, then your back, chest, neck, and face muscles;
- Take a more relaxed posture.
- Take 2 or 3 deep breaths with a full exhalation. Establish a calm rhythm of breathing.
- Next – recall yourself in detail in a state of absolute rest.
The practice has shown that the constant training of the tension and relaxation of muscles develops skills for their complete relaxation. In this case, along with an increase in the ability to relax the muscles, a person learns to establish a calm rhythm of breathing voluntarily. Therefore, heart rate is reduced, attention and agility are improved.
At group classes, seminars, tests, and examinations, everyone can perform these exercises unnoticed by others, but first, you should practice at home in a quiet environment in order to fully master these skills. A simple gesture can also help: put your thumb and index (or middle) finger in a ring and squeeze hard. This will help to calm down but will remain almost invisible to others.
Try to buy a “talisman” – an object that will protect you in moments of uncertainty. After all, knowing that it helps, you will feel more confident. Also, to relieve stress before a stressful situation, use dancing, a calm long run, or swimming.
You just need to know some relaxation techniques that will help you curb your desire to stay awake at night and direct your energy in a productive direction.
1) Prepare well. Make a plan for your activities and follow it clearly. This will help you make sense of the vast ocean of information and put everything in its place. There are many recommendations on the Internet on how to learn to plan. Let’s just say that the earlier you start to prepare and allocate your time, the more effective your training will be. And being aware of your savvy is the best way to stop worrying.
2) Get more sleep. Sleep has a positive effect on the nervous system and revitalizes the body. If you get enough sleep the night before the exam, you’ll have less chance of succumbing to anxiety and be more likely to write the test calmly and competently.
3) Learn to program yourself. Be reminded more often how unproductive it is to be mopey and anxious. Repeat to yourself: “I have nothing to worry about. It’s quite real. Nervousness is useless.”
4) Do breathing exercises. Classic: breath – don’t breathe. 4 seconds a breath, 2 seconds a delay, and the same amount on the exhalation and the delay after it.
5) Exercise. A few squats before an exam can get the energy out.
6) Think good thoughts. Positive motivation contributes to a good mood, helps to feel more collected, and will not allow you to get confused at the most inopportune moment.
7) Don’t overdo your studies. Know that 20 minutes of doing nothing or a simple walk in the fresh air will make you happier than a complete lack of rest. Being able to switch between the work of assimilating important knowledge and simple human joys is a great thing.
8) Understand the main thing. Whatever you get, it’s really not that important. Grades are not the most important thing in life. They don’t define your human worth, they don’t reveal your personality. They are just numbers.
Any exam, whether it’s the USE or a university entrance test, requires careful preparation. And it is not only a solid foundation of knowledge but also a certain dress code. In this material, we will tell you how you can dress for one of the most important events in the life of every graduate.
Only a genuine desire to change the situation and a willingness to put in the effort can guarantee you a positive result. However, the reward for this work is high. Try it and you will succeed!