If you are on the hunt for a new home, you might have noticed that the pickings are slim. This is due to various factors, related to the pandemic and labor shortage.
Don’t want to wait until the construction industry gets its act together? Then perhaps you should consider building a new home yourself. It’s not that hard, as long as you take certain items into consideration.
Keep reading to find out what they are!
1. Keep Your Budget on Top of Your Mind
When you are building a house, you might get enamored with lots of new features and ideas, and end up going way over budget, if you don’t keep a strict reign on your imagination. This doesn’t mean that you can’t splurge on a few new features, but you will want to keep your budget in mind every time.
It’s easy to get carried away otherwise. Don’t let the builder or the home designer take you on fanciful flights since you might end up going into enormous amounts of unnecessary debt this way. You don’t want to start your life in a new home like this, do you?
2. Consider Adding Green Features
Since you are building your own home, you have the option and freedom to add whatever green features you wish to have. That means, you can add solar panels or you can make it so you collect rainwater for use in your garden.
Whatever it is, always consider the weather and location that you are building in. There’s no point going overboard with a vegetable garden if you can only garden for 4 months of the year.
3. Don’t Be Impatient With the Process
Just like Murphy’s law says, plan to spend twice as much as you planned and for the project to take twice as long as you estimated. That’s what every project tends to be like, not just yours.
So don’t get antsy, angry, or frustrated with the process. It will be better for your blood pressure and your relationship with the builder if you don’t get emotional about the process and stay calm and cool throughout it.
Prepare yourself for delays as they are inevitable and don’t get too frustrated if your timelines aren’t met perfectly. Especially don’t take out your frustrations on the building team as that could result in issues down the road or them quitting halfway.
4. Location Is Important
This is another important factor to consider before you even start planning a new home. You want to choose the location with care.
Not only should it be close to your work and your children’s school, but it should have access to many other features and amenities, like grocery stores, community centers, and more.
This isn’t just for you, but also if you end up renting the home in the future. You want to be able to rent the house easily and the location will dictate how easy it is to do that.
5. Choose Timeless Design Features
Are you thinking about building a huge fountain in the foyer? Or maybe adding damask wallpaper to all the bathrooms? This might be appealing to you at this moment, but what about the future?
It’s probably best to stick with features that will work with you in all the timelines, not just you right now. It will be tough to tear down that fountain or change the wallpaper down the road. There’s no need to waste your money like that – stick to timeless design features that will always be in fashion no matter what.
Don’t just think about the design features of the inside of your home, but also the outside of it. What will your garden, backyard, and front yard look like? Take all this into account when you build a custom home.
You also don’t want to be apologizing to all your guests because you are embarrassed by this odd feature you added to your custom home.
6. Storage and Security
Two things you will not want to skimp on are storage and security. When it comes to storage, you will want to have lots of it, especially if you are planning to have more children in the future.
You don’t want to end up paying for a storage locker for hundreds of dollars a month, because you didn’t plan for proper storage in your custom home.
Also, you are building a new home with new features and items in it, so you will want to protect it by having a good security system in place.
7. Keep a Long-Term View
Build a custom home with a long-term view. Most Americans don’t live in one home for their entire lives. We are constantly moving around, not only from state to state but also from one home to another in the same city.
So you will want to keep resale value in mind. You want to build something that will be easy to sell in the future and which will have prime resale value, so you can get your money back and more. This new build is an investment in your future, as much as it is a home.
Building a New Home Takes Patience and Fortitude
Are you ready to plunge into the deep end and start building a new home? With the tips laid out above, you should be primed for the experience.
As long as you stay patient and calm throughout the process, you should have a beautiful custom home soon enough.
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