As we are directly in the middle of the travel season, the talk about holidays in foreign countries heats up pretty quickly. This is the time of the year when we can see a lot of people leaving their countries for a short amount of time in order to visit some countries they have never been, most of the time. Many countries have introduced the concept of applying for their Visa online without going to the embassy. For example, if you are interested in visiting Canada, be sure to check here. You will find all of the necessary things for getting a visa.
One of the things that can have a heavy negative influence is having your visa rejected. It should be said that this is something that happens pretty often. It happens mostly because of some irregularities and mistakes that we can make during the application process, but it can also be that you didn’t apply for the right type of visa. If you have relatives in Canada, you are eligible for the Super visa, which allows you extended stay. We had a slight insight into some books where we could see what are the commonest reasons for applying for an e-visa. So, we’ve decided to compile a list of the commonest mistakes people make when they are applying for an e-visa. This was you will learn about what elements you need to pay attention to when applying for e-visa.
Information from Official Documents
When you are in the application process for an e-visa, you must insert all of the essential information. At the same time, it is of the utmost importance for you to see that all of this information is matching the one in your official documents. You cannot believe how common this mistake is and how many people were rejected for an e-visa. The commonest of them all are mistakes made when it comes to the date of birth and passport number.
Even though writing this information looks like a no-brainer, many people actually try to preserve some of their information, for an unknown reason. These inconsistencies can really cost you a visa. Since regulation is pretty strict, you can see that some people are often rejected for writing their surname first, and then the first name. You should be aware that you need to insert all of these in an exact way as they are in your official documents and only by doing that you will be granted a visa.
Bank Statement
Some of the countries you are interested in visiting could ask you for bank statements. Even though this can be considered a pretty logical and, let’s say, no-brainer step, a vast majority of people are not aware of how crucial this is and they overstep it. So, you can imagine how common this mistake is and how many people actually don’t provide their bank statements.
This is important because some countries require a bank statement on your behalf so they could see what the financial bandwidth for the travel is, and how good your financial status is. This doesn’t mean that they are interested in how much money you have on your accounts. They are interested in your credit score and other financial elements that could prove crucial in some situations while you are in that country.
Not Providing Enough Information
Certain countries have some kind of, let’s say, standard when it comes to the information that you need to provide them with before you are able to get a visa. Different countries have a different standard, so you need to check these standards before you actually made an application and insert all of the necessary information.
The more evidence you actually provide, the more chance you have to be awarded a visa for a certain country. This is especially important when you apply for commonwealth countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.
Forms that Miss Information
When you are filing a form for an e-visa, it could happen that you’ve left some of the fields empty. This is a pretty often mistake that surely leads you to be rejected for a visa. Sometimes, people see the fields that are not essential to fill and they simply skip them. At the same time, some people just forget to fill in some of the fields and this is enough of a reason for them to be rejected.
Even though this might seem like a reason that is not as common as the other ones we’ve provided you with, believe us this is as common as all others. Since the immigration officers don’t have the time to reach out to you and ask for the information that is missing from the application form, the chances are you are going to be rejected.
The Proof of Payment
In case you have provided all of the necessary information, but you left out the proof of payment, you can be 100% sure your e-visa application is going to be rejected, without a doubt. At the same time, you can be sure that there will be some additional expenses and a delay is surely going to cost you something. So, be sure to add the proof of payment to your application or you are going to be forced to apply once again.
The Date of Travel
You should be aware that some countries that have different have time periods required for the processing of the application for obtaining a visa. This time heavily depends on the travel season. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to provide you information on time in order to avoid being rejected for a visa. Maybe you will be surprised, but a high percentage of people actually pick the last date possible for providing their documents.
This ultimately leads to the rejection of their application. This is not the question of the documents and information you’ve provided, it is simply the question of time. It should be said that a vast majority of countries are accepting application up to a month and a half, or 90 days before the actual trip. This is roughly the time you are going to have to wait before your application is approved by the embassy or some other institution that has the responsibility of awarding visas.