It’s a parent’s responsibility to check on their kid’s progress in school. That means more than signed report cards every year. Fast-paced parents balance jobs, tasks, and a variety of other duties, but still, overseeing their child’s schooling must be their top priority
Parents always provide the best for their children, especially in education. That’s why it’s essential to keep track of children’s educational progress to ensure that they’re able to deal with life and well prepared to succeed. Visit www.children-learning-reading-review.com to know more about how you can keep track of your children studies.
Whether your child just entered school or is starting a new experience in high school, here are 8 ways to monitor your child’s progress:
1. Consider Educational Apps
Most parents look at gadgets as children’s toys, as they’re unaware of the abundance of developmental technologies. Most platforms are introducing emerging innovations to map educational advances for children.
On top of that, such applications are also offering in-app portals for parents. They’ll have links to integrated trackers that summarize their child’s progress based on the child’s actual engagement.
According to Xello, data points, charts, and fact sheets aren’t limited to the office or business sector. Many of these software are widely available online for growth tracking. Using such systems would help you out in tracking your child’s learning and development.
2. Connect With Your Child’s Teacher
Lack of coordination with your child’s teacher is one of the primary problems that parents deal with in tracking their children’s educational performance.
In caring for and educating your child, you can never be more grateful to a teacher. Your concern about your child’s progress is unquestionably at the same levels as that of their teacher. Thus, as much as possible, communicate with the teachers – meet them at conferences by phone or email.
Inquire about how your kid is performing at school, your child’s weak points, or what you could do to follow up at home.
3. Get Involved
Regardless of children’s grade level, whether in kindergarten or completing their last years in elementary, there are plenty of compelling reasons for parents volunteering at school. Such a move would be a great way of showing your kids that you’re interested in their education.
Hitting two birds (in fact three) with one stone, volunteering at school is an easy way for you to monitor your child. Similarly, your presence around motivates your child to do better. That is, of course, on top of helping the school in activities or other functions.
Many graders like seeing their parents at school, especially during events. But, consider some signals from your child and gauge how much engagement makes it work. If your child appears embarrassed with you around at school or your participation with co-curricular activities, think about doing something behind the scenes. Let your child feel that you’re not spying and that you’re just helping the school.
4. Inspect Results Of Graded Tasks Tests And Quizzes
Frequently check your child’s graded assignments, results of quizzes, exams, and performance task ratings. Some teachers usually send graded work on a scheduled date, whereas others send feedback as soon as they’ve reviewed it. Learn how your child’s teacher transmits grades at the outset of the school year and be consistent in tracking performances.
Most schools are using standard assessment systems, meaning you aren’t seeing letter grades (A, B, F, etc.) on each report. Standard evaluation involves discussing improvement on individual competencies and understandings of the students.
For instance, your kid might get a rating that suggests proficiency of multiplication, or limited comprehension in reading, instead of receiving A+ in Grade 2 Math. The descriptions used in standard evaluation differs from every school. However, the focus is emphasized on giving individualized and actionable data based on the learner’s progress.
5. Foresee How Well Your Child Performs Assignments
To gain insight into your child’s performance at school, don’t wait for schools to release report cards. Most teachers use formative process tests to follow learning effectiveness on pupils. It includes analyzing how quickly learners can accomplish the tasks with no grades added to them.
As parents, you can help by adapting to this at home. Keep track and observe how well your child does their assignments, recognizing whether they have difficulties dealing with it or they’re managing to do so with ease.
Getting your grips with assessments and input from teachers on homework is an effective way to weigh your child’s progress. However, if you aren’t satisfied with these methods, you can also set your standards in assessing your child’s performance. At home, chart their success and note how good they performed the skill.
6. Visit The School Or Check On Their Website Online
Understanding the school building’s physical structure and facilities will help if you plan on frequently visiting the school to monitor your child. It would be best if you’re familiar with the admin offices, libraries, canteens, etc.
However, when visiting the school is a bit of a tough job as you’re a working parent, you can still check on your child’s school through their website.
Some teachers have their pages that document classwork, test dates, and activities in classrooms. At most, the school or teacher’s media sites offer exclusive resources and contact information for both parents and learners.
7. Check On Your Child’s Performance Ratings Regularly
As mentioned earlier, there’s no need to wait for report cards to track your child’s progress. Nowadays, almost every school system provides student’s ratings and feedback using electronic platforms. Using such platforms, you can log in at any time and verify your child’s achievements.
Typically, you’ll have access to all graded tasks, whether it’s an exam, a practice test, or an assignment. Try requesting access to the portal or site from school authorities. This is an excellent and convenient way of tracking how your child performs on all tasks in each topic. This works great, especially when your kid is unwilling to disclose results.
Moreover, when your kid is younger, keep in mind to check their backpack. Students at the elementary level can forget about their assignments. So, always search their notes to make sure nothing is missing.
8. Be Aware Of The Results Of Standardized Tests
Government-standardized tests aren’t ideal or thorough in measuring abilities and proficiency. Yet, it can still be a useful tool in benchmarking the academic progress of your child. A lower score in one subject area may point to rooms for improvement your child can work on.
Additional Tips In Monitoring Your Childs Progress
Being a parent is not a boss-job. Oftentimes, you had to wear different hats to keep up with your responsibilities. However, taking some of these tips will help you trick busy schedules and piled up tasks to be more responsible in monitoring your child.
- Find Ways On How To Be Consistent In Monitoring Your Child
Technology is a promising tool to make the most of tracking the status of your child’s learning. Learn how often performance reports and feedback are sent. Flag these key dates on your calendar and other significant school-related activities, such as exam dates and conferences. That way, you’re fully aware of your child’s academic schedule.
Furthermore, it would be best when your child knows the ways of emails and has a mobile phone or a laptop, compelling them to arrange electronic alerts for you.
- Celebrate Success
Whenever your child is quick to catch a skill or concept or has achieved something remarkable, don’t hesitate to be the cheerleader. It’s tricky to get way too focused on aspects where your child is struggling since you’re wanting to help and encourage along.
It’s worth remembering that they also need to hear praises from you whenever they do well. No matter how small they are, celebrating these successes is the best way of boosting your child’s self-esteem and confidence.
- Never Set Aside Social Progress
As a parent, you always want the best for your child. Though academic performance is better, an equivalent learning experience would be better. It’s also imperative that you track the social growth of your child. Learn who your kid’s buddies are and connect with their parents. Ensure that your child maintains good relations with their peers.
Aside from that, make sure that your child’s friends are of good influence. Encourage your kid to associate with students who aspire to excel at school and avoid messing with trouble.
Everything becomes increasingly relevant as your child enters high school. Working to ensure that your kid makes social and academic progress will drive them through success.
- Never Give Up On Your Child
When you’ve done your best and think that your child doesn’t make significant progress, academically or socially, you can ask to meet teachers and school administrators. With them, you can decide adjustments for your child.
The school can’t be sure that your child achieves the performance objectives. However, they had to make a “genuine attempt” to help them do that.
In Summation
One can’t overstate the influence of parental involvement in the education, development, and performance of their children. After all, parents’ roles don’t just focus on providing emotional, financial, and strategic assistance.
By involving parents in their children’s education, they build the third connection of the triangle between the teachers and their children. Collaboratively, they’re creating environments for their children’s development.
Adapt the ways mentioned above on how you can monitor your child’s holistic development. Guiding them along as they learn and grow would pay the best interest for their future.