Nowadays there are a huge number of dating sites that promise men a date. But are they that good? Reviews on this subject vary widely. Let’s find out which sites deserve your attention and what conditions they offer.
After all, as you know, there are two sides to the same coin.I believe that thanks to sites like this mail order brides, like 99brides.com many people have been able to calm their often broken hearts, and were able to meet their soulmate and be happy people for years to come.
Top Platforms
There are a large number of platforms in the world, but not all of them offer favorable conditions for cooperation. What is so special and how do they differ from each other? Now let’s look at the most important ones.
Asian Melodies
This platform is designed to make it easier to meet mail order wives in Asian countries. The main advantage here is that 70% of all users are girls between 20 and 55. It has a well-thought-out mobile application which allows you to communicate with beauties as quickly and simply as possible.
Eastern Honeys
More than 1 million users are registered on this platform, and 73% of them are beautiful girls from Asia. It was created to help lonely hearts find their soulmate. It has a low cost of services, from 3 dollars. You should not be afraid of a language barrier with your future wife, as there is a built-in translator.
Find European Beauty
This site will be the perfect solution if you dream of a European girl. There are a considerable number of beautiful, well-educated girls here who want to move to the USA in search of their love.
How Do Dating Sites Work?
If you want to get a mail order wife, then a good solution would be to use one of the many dating sites. First, you need to understand from which country you are interested in brides. These can be countries where you have previously been, studied traditions, or lived.
Next, you must understand what essential characteristics you value in an ideal woman: beauty, intelligence, thriftiness, sexuality, etc. The better you imagine the image, the easier it will be to find a soul mate.
Before you search for the perfect woman, you must go through the registration process and pay for a subscription. The registration process takes only a few minutes: you need to fill out a simple form, where you tell about yourself and upload photos.
The subscription price is highly dependent on the platform you have chosen. So, some of them provide their services completely free of charge. Still, for an additional fee, you can get other features to simplify finding and communicating with the ideal wife. If you have chosen a paid platform, you need to be prepared; you will have to pay from 3 to 50 dollars for communicating with a beauty.
There are 2 types of paid platforms: those that ask you to pay a fixed fee per month and those that sell credits. The first option is suitable for users who want to use the site every day, and the second option is if you want to have a one-night stand with a beautiful girl and plan to visit the platform only once a week.
Once all organizational moments are completed, you can meet the perfect woman. Important characteristics include:
- Height and weight;
- Age;
- Country of Residence;
- Hobby;
- Education and more.
The system will ask you what characteristics of wives are most important, and it will suggest girls who best match them. And as you know, machines are never wrong. You can explore several profiles and contact those future wives you like, edit the system’s proposed selection.
If your communication is pleasant, you can meet in real life.Which is often what a lot of people do.
In Which Countries Do Mail Order Wives Most Often Live?
There are a considerable number of mail order wives around the world. However, most of them can be found in developing countries, where the social and economic situation remains unstable. Among these countries are:
- Mexico;
- Brazil;
- India;
- Vietnam.
However, in developed countries such as China, Japan, Czech Republic, many brides also want to meet foreign men. In this case, they want to meet a loved one.
How hard is it to find love on dating platforms?
Practice shows that more than half of all couples in the U.S. have met through dating sites. And that’s just the United States. But if you are interested in interracial dating, the percentage is even higher. This is due to the fact that the most favorable conditions for dating are created here, there are perfect systems that check compatibility.
As a result, couples who have met on such sites get divorced much less frequently.And this has already been scientifically proven. Such couples quarrel much less often, much less cheat on each other.
But, we must warn you. Do not expect to find your mate the day after registration. For some, it takes a few months. And in very individual and sometimes rare cases, it takes several years. However, the development of such relationships is much faster than offline. In most cases, you can get married within a few months of meeting the person. In most cases, you can get married after a couple of months of communication.
In The End
Today there are a huge number of dating sites that provide quality services and help you find your soulmate. Who will fit all the parameters and make you happy. The main thing is to choose a reliable partner. After all, reliability is very expensive these days. Do not expect it to happen quickly, but the success rate here is much higher than offline. After all, you choose your partner yourself, you communicate for a while before you take the next serious step.
I am happy when I realize that many people have been able to meet the one and only person, create a family with him and live happily ever after, fulfilling their plans and dreams.