We all know the importance of an orderly supply of drinking water, and how important the people who make it possible are for society. The work of a plumber includes repairs, manufacturing, and installation of elements, installations, and devices that enable a safe flow of water from the main line to the faucet. Plumbers are necessary when building a new house, to check the plumbing before you buy the property, but also to make repairs if a pipe burst or some other defect occurs. Although there are companies that deal exclusively with this type of employee and employ several people, there are also many who do this work on their own or part-time. Clients are most often reached by recommendation, but in order to expand the circles and improve the business, some kind of advertisement is also needed. Below, read some of the strategies that will set you apart from the competition.
Billboards, pamphlets, business cards…

Various forms of advertising are very useful. Create business cards and distribute them to your clients, create brochures and distribute them in mailboxes, and pay for advertising on a billboard in a busy location. It does not have to be the city center, it is only important that the place is frequented. If you have a van (and most plumbers use this larger vehicle because of the necessary tools), you can use it to make a “rolling” advertisement. Simply find a company that deals with graphic design and your advertisement will always be visible. Plumbing van wraps will never go unnoticed, that’s for sure. Do not hesitate to invest in good advertising because it is a smart and profitable investment.
Social networks
We all know that social networks are a very powerful way of advertising. This is the simplest and cheapest form of advertising because you will not have any costs, it is enough to open a profile and start inviting friends to follow you and send a friendship recommendation to their contacts. If, on the other hand, you want to stand out and have your advertisement “pop” on the walls, you will have to allocate an amount so that your profile will be sponsored. This is not a bad start, but more serious business requires better advertising.
Web page
Open a website that will contain all the necessary information about your services – the types of repairs you do, contact, customer support, and so on. If you offer an additional benefit, such as a free sightseeing tour, emphasize it. You can also offer free appointments so that the potential client can see when you can be available for things that are not urgent. When creating a website for plumbing services, it is important that the SEO optimization of the site is done correctly, so that it appears on terms that consumers are looking for.
Logo and slogan
A good and striking logo is one of the biggest opportunities for advertising a plumbing service. Your logo is likely to be what your customers see when they think of you. In addition to the logo, create a unique slogan. It will enable potential clients to recognize you more easily, as well as send a unique message that will set you apart from your competition.
Production of advertising material
The holidays are coming soon and it’s a great opportunity for promotional material such as pens, lighters, notebooks, and the like. This has proven to be one of the more effective methods of advertising.
Real advertising usually speaks for itself, without any financial investment. The recommendation of those who have already used your services is the best advertisement. However, you should be aware that in this way you will not make much progress and expand your business, but it will still noticeably increase.
What is the most expensive marketing?
We will not make a mistake if we say that the most expensive kind of marketing is not investing in any kind of it. Why do we say that? Simply, if you do not invest in advertising, there will be no work. Print a t-shirt with your logo and company name and wear it when you go to do your hobby or when you go for a walk. Always carry business cards with you because you never know who you might meet, who you might talk to, and when you’ll have the opportunity to hand out a few business cards to people you know or have just met.
Business promotion is a challenge for both small and large companies, regardless of whether you are just starting out or have been in business for years.
Classic methods attract consumers less and less, so it is necessary that your approach be both convincing and unique at the same time. Sometimes you need to be resourceful and creative in order to come up with the right advertisement for your company, and nowadays you need to use all available means to be noticed and recognized by everyone. What is important is that you offer a service that will make you stand out from the crowd and that you do your job as best as you can so that there are as few or no dissatisfied clients as possible.
It’s risky to work for yourself these days, some will say, but isn’t it risky to work for someone else? And instead of directing all your energy into your work, you’re actually spending your knowledge, time, and intellectual (or physical) resources working for someone else. And instead of that someone else valuing you as a valuable addition to their company, you’re most likely just an easily replaceable workforce. This should be your motivation to stand up for your job, to be aware that there are ups and downs and that it won’t always be easy, but it will definitely be profitable if you do your best. Think of investing in advertising as an investment in your future and we are sure that it will pay off.