Sometimes, we are feeling the difference in attitude, behavior, and actions in people around us. We notice signs of addiction in them but we zip our mouths. We clearly see that they are struggling with drug addiction and their continuous use can worsen the conditions. Such a situation can deteriorate the circumstances.
Assure before communicating with them that you are well aware of the addiction symptoms. Don’t fear that how the person will react to your questions. Don’t stop yourself from asking them out because your question can open a gateway for communication.

They may react entirely different from your expectations but they will surely consider you as a person with whom they can talk and share. Start the conversation by assuring the user that you are worried about their health. Show them that you are concerned and want to help them in their drug struggling period. Be gentle while talking to them and ask that how they are feeling and what impact drugs are giving to their body that they can actually feel. Make sure that they start considering you as a person to whom they can ask for help. When you will assure the user that you care for their health and happiness then they may stop denying their drug use.
Most of the drug users never accept and remain in denial due to fear of being caught but asking them with love and care can give them the confidence to talk. In this way, you can sit and plan with them that what needs to be done further. If the user reacts harshly to treatment suggestions, then don’t take it personally.
Be calm in your conversation and understand the situation of the addict. Lately, you will be able to plan treatment with him and can convince them to attend an assessment session at the rehab. This way, they may start involving you in their decision and ask you for further help. With the help of your conversation, the addict will surely think about that what impact his addiction is giving to other members and people around him. He will get convinced on receiving support from the rehab. Browse this site.
What needs to be done next?
Next, we need to reach out to a drug rehab center that is offering an authentic and reliable treatment. The treatment at rehab is necessary because the environment that a drug user experiences at the rehab cannot be given or created at home. At rehab, the exposure of the drug user to things entirely changes. The initial step will be a detailed assessment of the drug user that will involve what kinds of drugs were consumed by the user? What is his present health status? For how long the drugs were used? Were the drugs used individually or as a mixture? Which way was pursued to consume drugs i.e. snorting, injecting, etc.?
A properly analyzed assessment determines the further plan that in which treatment program the addict will take admission. Mainly there are three treatment plans. If the condition of the addict is stable, he is given choice to pick his treatment way, but if the condition is not much stable and addiction is not under control then the rehab decides the exact treatment way to be followed. The treatment options include:
1. Inpatient Rehab Treatment
Inpatient rehab treatment is the wonder treatment that can give way to turn the drug user’s life into a normal one. Drugs and the disorders their consumption cause in one’s life can destroy the existence of an addict. Drugs cause chemical dependence but a significant change can be seen and experienced by seeking inpatient rehab treatment. When a person enters inpatient treatment, he undergoes individual counseling, group therapies, nutrition counseling, exercises, yoga, etc.
This treatment is best for people who are using drugs for a very long time and are badly affected due to drug addiction. The inpatient treatment offers a change in the addict’s lifestyle. They live a life under a designed schedule.
The addict learns a new healthy living schedule. The facilities of this particular treatment motivate the user to practice a sober life. He learns to manage his anger and live a drug-free life.
2. Partial Hospitalization Treatment
The second treatment option is Partial Hospitalization Treatment. It is similar to outpatient treatment but it is more like a standardized plan that follows clinical treatment properties.
The patients who are recommended this treatment require some facilities of inpatient and some services of the outpatient one. In this treatment type, a person needs to pass some time at the rehab’s residence. The entire treatment time will be suggested by the rehab staff after looking towards the case of the addict. The addict spends up to ten hours at rehab in a day.
The entire plan will involve medication and other group activities or counseling sessions. After the treatment time, the user is free to leave rehab and fulfill his other responsibilities. The benefit of this treatment type offers to meet the specific and unique needs of the addicted clients. It allows flexible timing and freedom while taking treatment.
This treatment helps the addict to focus on his recovery and try to make an effort to fight the drug temptations. This treatment is not a perfect option for a person who is highly addicted.
3. Outpatient Rehab Treatment
This treatment type offers treatment outside the rehab facility. The drug user will not be restricted to living at a rehab location. We all have heard a quote that “less is more”. This saying is perfect in this treatment regard. The people who are at the initial stages can opt for intensive outpatient treatment. It will be a sufficient process to meet the needs of the user who is not highly addicted to the drugs. This treatment offers the least restricted environment to the client. The entire treatment will facilitate the client and will plan all the therapies and other activities according to the availability of the drug user.