Are you a pet owner and looking for the best insects to feed your pet? Read more to find why we think Dubia Roaches are the best choice.
Choosing the right insect to feed your pet from a wide variety can be confusing. Dubia roaches are a must-try food item because of their numerous benefits. Want something that is both nutritious and scrumptious for your animal?
Dubia roaches are a perfect choice. Moreover, being inexpensive and available in almost every pet store, these insects are becoming the staple food for many pet animals. They have a much higher nutritional value than other feeders and can also be easily gut-loaded.
There are plenty of reasons why you should opt for Dubia roaches. This article has gathered a list of their benefits and why you have to give them a shot!
To get Dubia roaches delivered to your home, visit https://www.topflightdubia.com/
High Protein Content
Sufficient and high-quality protein is an essential nutrient in animals’ diets. Dubia roaches are one of the topmost feeders when it comes to protein content. They contain 54% protein on a dry matter basis (DMB). Most reptiles require a protein intake of 30% to 50%, and Dubia roaches easily satisfy this need.
Nutrition Density
Dubia roaches have a high nutrition density. This means that they can be efficiently gut-loaded with nutrients that your animal requires but is not taking them directly. For example, you might have faced situations where your animal is not drinking enough water.
This will eventually result in dehydration and impact their health negatively. In cases like this, gut load Dubia with high water-containing foods, and you’ll see how happy your insect feeds on them. Problem solved! So you can easily gut load dubia roaches and feed them to your pet anytime you think they aren’t getting enough nutrients.
Lesser Chitin
Chitin is a fibrous nutrient that your animal needs in a small amount. An excess can lead to indigestion. Also, if too much chitin is taken, absorption of other nutrients decreases.
Dubia roaches have only 3.5% of their body weight composed of chitin, compared to 13% of waxworms and 20% of locusts. Not only does it provide nutrients, but it also helps in the proper absorption of other nutrients.
Good Calcium: Phosphorus Ratio
The ideal range of Ca:P for animals is between 1:1 and 2:1. Dubia roaches have a ratio of 1:1.5, which is quite high compared to other feeder insects. However, dusting them with calcium powder is still advised so that your pet does not suffer from bone diseases due to calcium deficiency.
Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals are required for your pet’s wellbeing and keeping them healthy. Dubia roaches are rich in these and, in fact, contain more of these nutrients compared to other popular feeders, such as crickets and mealworms.
Low Fat Diet
While fat is an essential nutrient in the diet, you need to be careful because excess fat can make your pet obese, leading to various health complications. Thankfully, Dubia roaches have less fat, perfect for maintaining good health but not too high to cause obesity.
However, if your animal is underweight or too less energetic, you may want to go for a diet with higher fat. You can use fish oils to give them healthy fats.
Works Your Animal
When it comes to pets, getting them to move around is important. If they are spoon-fed all the time with little to no chance of mobility, they will have weaker muscles and eventually get sick. After all, you need to ensure that your pet is getting conditions that are close to the wild. This is called a triggering feeding response.
Dubia roaches are neither too fast nor too slow. They move with a speed that is enough to grab your pet’s attention and make them work. This will keep your animal active. If you think that the insects are too fast for your animal, you can even cool them in a refrigerator for a few minutes to slow them down!
They are Clean
Dubia roaches are not pests. They are dry and hence won’t leave slime trails. They might be notorious disease carriers, but they carry diseases from the environment but are not sources of diseases like black soldier flies, mealworms, and crickets.
Don’t Smell Awful
If you feed canned insects to your pet or regularly feed them crickets, you must already be familiar with their horrendous smell. Good news! Dubia roaches don’t smell bad at all. In fact, they are almost odorless and sometimes tend to smell like whatever food they eat. You may observe a bit of a musky smell irrespective of their diets.
Tired of the chirping of crickets? Switch to noise-less Dubia. They don’t make disturbing sounds. At most, you’ll hear some soft noises of their feet when it’s mating season.
Great for Breeding
If you don’t want to keep buying feeder insects and breed them instead, go for Dubia roaches. A female roach can produce around 35 nymphs every other month in suitable conditions.
Bad Climbers
A problem that many pet owners face while feeding insects is the insects climbing out of the feeding container. Dubia roaches are bad climbers, which means that they won’t climb out and are also much easier to store.
Cannot Fly
Dubia roaches do not fly. Adult males have wings, but they are not for flying. They just move and flutter around in their enclosure. This makes them easier to feed.
Don’t Bite
They won’t attack or bite you or your animal. Sometimes when looking for food, they might softly nibble your skin and then move away once they realize that it isn’t food.
Easily Fed
Feeding them is quite easy as they are not picky at all when it comes to food. They will eat almost anything you feed them and even survive with no food for a long time.
Live Long
They live long. This means that food for your pet is not wasted. You can store them for longer periods. On average, they live from one to two years.
Don’t Infest
Dubias are very less likely to infest or colonize your home. They are let free in pet enclosures and are usually removed if not eaten in a few days. By that time, they become incapable of breeding. So, unless you live in a very tropical climate, you won’t see them in all corners of your house.
Low Cost
Dubia roaches are very affordable. You can buy 500 roaches for as low as $20. Price may vary depending on the type and size of the insect. For lower prices, keep an eye on sales different websites and shops offer.
Easily Available
Some feeder insects can be hard to find. However, you can find Dubia roaches in almost all pet stores and can even order them online. You can find them in varying quantities so that you can choose how much to get without the risk of wastage.
Varying Sizes
Dubia roaches are available in different sizes. This is so important because not all sizes are suitable for all types of pets. If you have a smaller pet, you certainly cannot feed them insects that are larger in size.
Now that you have seen the benefits of Dubia roaches, you know that you have to at least give them a try. Who knows, you may end up choosing them as your primary feeder!