There are a variety of dental specialists who have majored in one particular treatment. Patients, therefore, have different options depending on their condition. Dental specialists are trained to perform oral surgery on either the mouth or jaw. Various problems require different treatment procedures hence the need to find a place with trained dental surgeons. The peakfamilydetalaz.com has qualified dentists who offer safe and effective oral surgery to patients while ensuring they feel comfortable throughout the process.
Types of Oral Surgery

- Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Teeth impact mostly happens on the third molars, which means that the teeth get merged on the gum line. Since the jaw does not contain enough space for the teeth to fit in, they end up crowding. As a result, some of the teeth will not fully grow due to the crowding leading to sore gums and gum tissue infection around the wisdom tooth. Dentists solve such situations by pulling out the wisdom teeth and any other teeth that have been affected.
- Overbite and Underbite
Overbites and underbites are a result of misaligned teeth. The surgery is done by specialists referred to as orthognathic surgeons. The surgery can correct sleep apnea, trouble chewing and swallowing, extreme overbites and underbites, and congenital disabilities. The issues can result from having an incompletely developed upper or lower jaw or improper teeth alignment. Both causes require different types of treatment. There are cases of teeth misalignment that can be corrected by using braces or aligners. Extreme severe cases require surgical procedures that involve moving the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both jaws to the front or the back. The movement enables them to become healthier, balanced, and functional in biting, chewing, speaking, eating, and swallowing.
- Teeth Implants
Dental implants aim to fill a space left by a missing tooth. The material used is titanium which is inserted into the jaw along the part with the missing tooth. People lose their teeth through accidents or by getting an infection. Before one can qualify for this type of surgery, they need to be checked up to ensure that they have the required bone density and bone level; they should be ready to maintain good S and not be prone to infectious attacks.
- Dentures Fitting
Dentures may refuse to fit if someone has irregular jaws. Oral surgery is used to correct the issues so that the denture can perfectly match the first time. However, with time, the dentures start to loosen and stop fitting due to the supporting bone wearing out. The oral surgeon can fix this by adding a smaller graft bone.
- Repairing the Jaw and Teeth Issues
The human jaw and skull are connected via a joint called the temporomandibular joint. The joint can cause several issues such as stiffness, jaw popping, headaches, and painful jaw. Such cases can be treated by oral medications or oral surgery if they are severe and have a unique issue.
- Sleep and Breathing Problems
Some of the common causes of breathing issues include snoring and sleep apnea conditions. There are two ways to solve these issues:
- Using a machine to clear the airway.
- Or undergoing oral surgery.
First, the oral surgeon finds out the leading cause of airflow blockage and recommends surgery to correct it. The surgery can involve the adjustment of a mouth passage or a nasal passage.
When Do You Need an Oral Dentist and Not a General Dentist?
Sometimes people develop severe problems in the jaw or on a tooth beyond a general dentist’s ability to treat. You may have to find an oral surgeon in such a case. There are different types of oral surgeries also, and surgeons with varying backgrounds of training perform them. For example, a periodontist performs any surgery to do with gum disease and gum grafting. General dentists always refer patients to an oral surgeon professional who is reputable and skilled in that particular issue.
Preparations Before an Oral Surgery
Before one goes for the surgery, they usually see a dentist who will direct them and instruct them on what to do. First, patients should ensure that they prepare a clean and tidy environment where they will recover after the surgery. The bed should be positioned such that you can incline while sleeping or sitting on it. It is recommended to not eat or drink anything 8-10 hours before the surgery. The dentists also give a list of what is expected that you need to fulfill. Finally, ensure that you have a means of getting back home. You can ask for help from someone or inform your doctor you may be driving back to change the type of anesthesia used.
Recovery Period
The surgery results are significant, and the dentist will emphasize what to do during this period. Alcohol and smoking are not advisable since they reduce the healing rate. Ice packs can help reduce any swelling. Clean your mouth with salty water and not by brushing. Wait until you are completely healed. Recovery usually takes between 48 hours and a month. After the surgery, you should consider taking soft foods at room temperature. Avoid foods that require much chewing, crunchy foods, or anything taken through straws.
Various teeth problems can be fixed easily by dentists. However, some people develop severe problems, and general dental procedures cannot fix them. Dental surgery can help improve such extreme and severe cases. The surgeons vary from one specialty to another since they handle varying issues, i.e., some deal with jaw issues, gum issues, and others with teeth issues. Oral surgeons have been trained to treat conditions depending on their field. Most patients are referred to the oral surgeon by their dentists since they may not perform specific growth effects and complex extractions that need surgical procedures.