
In India, bitcoin may be purchased, traded, and mined. Here is a brief explanation if you are asking “how.” Since there are no laws banning trade in Bitcoin, the most well-known cryptocurrency in the world, in India, it is regarded as lawful. In a recent judgment, even now the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) ruled that banks could not refuse to serve consumers who deal in cryptocurrency. In India, you may purchase and trade bitcoins if you have the right tools. Nevertheless, there’s only 21 million Bitcoins in existence, of which about 19 million are now in use. A bit more than 2 million Bitcoins are still awaiting appearance on the open market. Observe how to mine and sell Bitcoins and also how to purchase them.

Must-knows for Bitcoin buyers and sellers


Here are some hints and methods to get you going:

  • Be polite at all times. No disorderly, derogatory, or abusive language is permitted. Your trading partners want you to always act professionally.
  • Gift card codes cannot be traded in any way. Giving invalid gift card codes to trading partners is prohibited since it violates Terms of Service.
  • Follow the regulations for your industry. The Purchaser and the Seller shall not enter into any further discussions or modify the terms of the Offer. The amount of BTC decided upon in the deal must be paid in whole by the buyer. A deal must be resumed to amend the amount in the event that the vendor needs to make changes.
  • Minimum transaction value. It’s vital to remember that the minimum purchase amount for Bitcoin is presently 10 USD, and the minimum selling amount is 0.001 BTC.
  • Off-escrow trading is not permitted. It’s against the law to exchange contact information or conduct business. Your Bitcoin is kept secure on thus it must be utilized at all times. If not, your profile will be suspended.
  • Multiple accounts are not permitted. This is seen as a misuse of the system and an unfair advantage in the free market.

Only Utilize Secure Technology

  • Make sure it is secure whether you are using a desktop computer, laptop, or mobile device. You can take the following actions to protect your device:
  • Get up to speed on the most recent security fixes and upgrades.
  • Purchase a reliable antivirus application. Here are some of our best selections.
  • Make careful to utilize both capital and lowercase letters, digits, and special characters when creating strong passwords.
  • Apply a VPN. More details on this are provided in step 4 beneath.
  • Verify URLs. When visiting Bitcoin or exchanges, you want a padlock and “https” in your browser’s address bar.
  • Avoid downloading or clicking on shady files or apps.
  • Avoid using public WiFi and PCs.
  • Analyze the offer’s specifics with care. All purchasers must carefully examine the vendor’s offer in its entirety.

Offer Conditions


Always read the fine print before receiving or purchasing Bitcoin. Here, the seller outlines the conditions they are looking for in an offer. Accept the conditions only if you are able to meet all of the requirements. Before beginning the deal, make sure they are all ready. If not, find a different offer.


The dealer will charge you a fee for converting money or credit vouchers into bitcoin. Always search for the greatest deals as this will differ between vendors. Never request a Bitcoin release from the vendor. Escrow is how Paxful safeguards your Bitcoin. Up to the conclusion of your payment, these monies are held. Requesting the seller to provide Bitcoin may result in an immediate ban since it suggests fraud.

The deal can be canceled at any time. In Paxful, this is seen as acceptable protocol. You can always decide to cancel the transaction if you no longer want to make the deal and haven’t yet paid the vendor. The vendor’s escrow will be released as a result, allowing them to carry on their business with others. Never let a deal fall through. There is no justification for leaving a deal open as you may always cancel it.

In India, How Do I Sell Bitcoin?

Through the same site you used to buy Bitcoin or peer-to-peer (P2P) exchangers like LocalBitcoins, you may sell Bitcoin in India. With the latter, you may exchange money with a user directly without using a middleman or third party. Additionally, it provides the seller more control over who purchases their coins and who they purchase them from, as well as over price and payment time. The traditional online exchange, on the other hand, arranges the trade on your account with the utmost discretion.

  • Be Responsible

Trading Bitcoin carries some potential dangers and liabilities, and as the seller, you are required to be liable and responsible for all potential pitfalls. Knowing how to defend yourself from these risks is also crucial.

Offer terms should be succinct and to the point. Never keep this blank as it will let potential buyers know what you are looking for. Keep it brief, specific, and easy to comprehend because they will read this before the transaction starts.

  • React To Your Customers

Due to inattentive vendors, over half of deals are abandoned. It is best to remove all of your offers from your website until you are back online if you will be gone from the computer for an extended period of time.

  • Never Pay Through Third Parties

It is your duty as a vendor to accept and handle payments. It is not authorized to be handled or controlled by others. Paxful views the use of intermediaries in settling BTC deals as fraud and does not approve of it.


explicit and detailed trading instructions Give the customer every piece of information you need. These should be listed in bullet points and should be as simple as feasible.

Further Resources:

Understanding how Bitcoin functions and how to profit the most from the market takes time, just as with any investment. Make sure you understand the background of Bitcoin and also how trading operates before you start. The pros and disadvantages of various exchanges, and also establishing your account and payment options, are additional crucial components of this form of investment.