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We all know that the animals are the ones who keep the ecosystem balanced and they help the environment. They eat each other to survive and they never hunt more than they need. However, there are some animals that are not doing anything for nature’s balance and they can be more harmful than good. This begs the question, is hunting sometimes good for the environment?

Many people see this picture only as black or white and we are either pro or against hunting. Experts say that wildlife populations need to stay healthy and intact and hunters support this. In the need of special areas where animals can live and reproduce freely, we create special resorts to help preserve the wildlife. These places are always kept clean, unpolluted, and a great environment for all the animals who live there.

The wildlife habitats are great for people who want to do some bird watching or to be able to experience the natural way of life of the animals who live there. You can find these places all around the world and they are always protected by the governments and environmentalists. But, there are some animals who disrupt nature and cause serious damage to the ecosystem. Here we are going to talk about them and how nature heals.


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If you weren’t aware, locusts are really similar to grasshoppers and they have a pretty short life. However, they can cause plagues and they reproduce quickly. They are even mentioned in the Exodus because they are considered pests and bringers of serious diseases and damage. They have the ability to cover a lot of ground really fast, so they easily migrate from one place to another. Locusts live in warm climates and they usually appear after a drought period. Many people are trying to get rid of them since they affect their crops, but scientists say that because of it, locusts eat more and reproduce faster.

Population Control

Every country has different laws when it comes to hunting. Depending on the species and the population of them, hunters are usually allowed to go only after turkey, deer, and ducks. However, this all depends on the number of predators, climate, and, of course, the number of animals in that specific place. The same goes for fishing and these measurements are in place so that the natural ecosystems can stay in balance and there won’t be an overpopulation of any animals.

In the same way, when there is an endangered species, humans create special areas where they take care of the animals and help them reproduce and grow. So, we are trying to restore the balance between species and preserve the environment.


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We love these majestic beasts and many people spend a lot of money to go to Safari and be able to witness their awesomeness. The bad thing is, the elephants are too big and they disrupt everything in their path. When they migrate from one place to another, they not only break branches, but they can damage a whole forest. Even though nature has an ability to heal itself, it takes a lot of time to fix the damage the elephants cause.


You probably didn’t know this, but cattle actually affect the environment in a bad way. It is said that they emit a lot of methane through flatulence and burping. Because the human population has taken over a lot of nature, cattle migrate to the forests. They damage the trees and it is said that right now they are overpopulating.

Environmental imbalance

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It is said that if predators decrease in numbers, that will affect the whole life cycle of the animals. Nature requires balance in all things and if the numbers of the predators are lower than the number of other species, it may affect the whole ecosystem. Because of that, experts recommend just observing the animals, and suggests that rifle scopes are great if you want to go bird watching or if you want to stay at a safe distance, but still observe the animals you like.


Even though goats have a lot of natural predators, they are still impacting nature. In places where they are overpopulating, like Australia and New Zealand, they damage the trees and other plants. It is said that they damage vegetables and crops if they are not kept by humans. Experts say that if we don’t do goat control, they will soon overpopulate all over the world and they will do a lot of damage to the ecosystem and other wildlife.

Cane Toads

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These toads don’t have a predator, mostly because they are toxic to every bird, mammal, or fish that tries to eat them. Since nothing actually hunts them, they are free to populate and they affect large regions. It is said that cane toads are the number one enemy of agriculture and they are considered as pests.


If the natural balance is not conserved, there are animals that can lead to serious diseases. These diseases can affect other animals, humans, and plants. Toads and locusts are known to spread serious diseases and since they don’t have any natural predators, they are free to migrate from one place to another. In some cases, hunting animals that are sick or disease carriers is good for the environment, because the animal will not be in pain and won’t suffer, and the spread of the disease will be stopped.


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We know that rats can live anywhere and everywhere. From the sewers in big cities, up to the attic of the house, and even in fields where food is produced. They not only damage nature, but they also spread many different diseases. Even though rats have natural predators, they are fast enough and they reproduce quickly, so it is hard to keep the natural balance.

In developing countries, rats are an even bigger problem, since they are pests and they can cause serious food losses.

The conclusion to all of this is that humans sometimes have to restore the natural balance. By creating special locations where the animals can be fed and taken care of, we restore some of the ecosystems. However, there are a lot of laws when it comes to hunting. Many species are protected and hunting is allowed only in some parts of the years and for animals that are not endangered.