Are you a parent who wants your child to do well in school, from the early years through college? If you value academic success, you can leverage the power of multiple techniques, strategies, and tactics for maximizing your son’s or daughter’s chance of earning good grades and learning as much as possible while they attend school. What’s the secret? There isn’t one, but there are some highly effective approaches you can take to get excellent results.
For many young people, tutoring is part of the academic experience. As a parent, you can make decisions for boys and girls in early grades. Coordinate with their teachers and find out about tutoring opportunities sponsored by the school. If you want a higher-quality tutoring experience, however, opt for stand-alone tutoring academies that specialize in single or multiple subjects. Nowadays, there are both online and in-person versions. Use whichever you prefer based on cost and which method will deliver the best results for your young one. The best tutoring companies offer in-home, one-on-one instruction in any subject you choose. Costs are highest for this type of instruction, but the results are exceptional in most cases. Don’t be discouraged if young children don’t click with the first or second tutor you try. Be patient when it comes to finding a suitable one-on-one tutor for your child. It’s worth the effort.
Test Prep Programs
For students in high school and university, test prep courses can be real game changers. Not all students take to the method currently taught by private programs, but for the majority of young adults, two or three weeks of intense review can boost scores on all-important college entrance and other standardized tests. A good way to start is with the book-based programs. Allow your youngster to follow along with the prescribed lesson plan, covering a fixed amount of material each day. The better book-centered courses include written schedules so kids don’t have to do any guesswork or create their own. The more intensive options are online and in-person prep classes. For college students looking to gain admittance to medical school or graduate programs, intensive in-person programs cover all the material and help students pick up skills in areas where they might be having trouble. For high school students, online test prep is an excellent choice. Costs are low, and there’s no need to commute to a local teaching site.
Helping With College Expenses
One of the most efficient ways to assist with your child’s expenses is to opt for a PPP (Private Parent Loan). PPPs are low-rate alternatives that can help students earn their diplomas and not be burdened with debt the moment they graduate. They’re not federal loans and offer both flexibility and reasonable terms. For working parents who have good credit, PPPs are an ideal way to gain access to low-interest funding for a child’s education. At sites like Earnest.com you can explore the many benefits of Private Parent loans, the main one being that only the parent-borrower is obligated to repay the balance. Additionally, it’s up to you to decide how much of the total college expenses to cover. When students don’t have to deal with large education bills from day one, they’re better able to focus on their studies and earn good grades.
Home Schooling
As a parent, you can opt to start your own home school program or send your kids to a local one that’s already up and running. What are the advantages? Besides a lower teacher-to-student ratio compared to public or private schools, home settings foster a more intense academic focus. Because classes are so small, you can foster independent learning and it’s harder for anyone to get lost in the shuffle. Everyone gets plenty of attention, help when they need it, and the right amount of in-class discipline. It’s essential, however, to do plenty of research on local options so you can choose one that is suited for your child’s age, emotional maturity, and academic style of learning. Prices vary a lot, as does quality. You should do a trial period of at least one week before deciding on a program for your youngster.
Music Lessons
Students of all ages who study music by taking instrument lessons have better grades in almost all other subjects. Music expands the mind and helps children develop more tolerant, accepting attitudes toward others. Spending regular time practicing teaches essential academic skills and builds solid study habits. Music students also discover the value of patience, that devoting time to a subject can pay off in long-term ability and knowledge. Consider letting children choose their instrument. Then, after they have a year or two of practice behind them, give them the chance to attend a summer band camp where they can hone their skills and learn new ones.
Second Language
Kids who learn a second language and stick with it through college gain dozens of academic advantages. Besides acquiring a powerful resume addition for later job searches, youngsters who regularly study another language tend to do better in all subjects. There’s no better way to combine fun, education, and language learning than a summer abroad program during high school or college. The group trips are a low-cost way to give your daughter or son a first-hand travel experience as well as a chance to enhance their language skills.
Academic Boot Camps
Don’t let the term boot camp fool you. The terminology is used mostly for marketing purposes because these summer sessions are nothing more than in-depth focus courses that usually aim to enhance math, computer, science, English, or other targeted skills. Most are about six weeks long and include between four and six hours of instruction per day with little or no homework. Shop around for one that has a good local reputation, preferably getting a personal referral from another parent you know. Camps are reasonably priced and typically take place in nearby schools are business offices. The best ones are connected to local colleges or high schools, so remember to compare prices, interview instructors, and get advice from your child’s current school counselor, who can offer suggestions.