If you are battling addiction, here’s a message for you: you can beat it and win. It will take a roadmap to get there. This guide will be your blueprint to help you conquer it and live a new life that is healthy and fulfilling.
When it comes to reaching a goal, it takes a well detailed plan to get there. This plan will consist of small goals that will help you reach the much larger ones. While the ultimate goal is something to keep in mind, the process itself should be the focus
If you are looking to fight addiction and come out on top, this is the guide for you. Let’s take at what you can do to get started.
Start by getting the help you need
Making the decision to get the help you need is the first major step. If you need to find out more about how it all works, you can visit the Gallus Detox website. Check out this link here: https://www.gallusdetox.com/.
You do have options in terms of treatment. This includes outpatient and inpatient treatments. You’ll want to make a decision based on where you are in terms of addiction. If you are in the later stages, it may be hard to beat.
For this reason, you may want to consider inpatient treatment. That’s because you will have access to medical professionals and a more effective way to treat your addiction. Inpatient facilities will allow you the best therapy options and medical professionals will be standing by with any questions you may have. Inpatient from a luxury rehab facilities will be feeling relaxed, pampered, reassured, and having your privacy protected during your recovery period.
Furthermore, you also have the best privacy when you need it. The only people who can be around you are the professionals helping you and your family that wants you to be successful. Inpatient treatment is often the most effective.
Outpatient treatment may be the best option if you are in the earlier stages of addiction. This may be a risky option for those that have been addicted to drugs for years. This is something that can last nearly a few months.
Medication may be applied if needed to reduce withdrawals and symptoms that go along with it. The decision will rest in your hands most of the time. But at the same time, you may be overruled by others because of their own assessment.
You may be addicted and unaware of how bad it is. Your health care professional will be able to know what level of addiction you’re at and recommend a certain type of treatment. If your addiction is serious, inpatient will be the only option and nothing else.
Outlining your post-rehab life
After your treatment, you’re asking yourself the question of ‘what’s next’. While you are beating your addiction, this is the perfect opportunity to plan out your post-treatment life. Take a moment to imagine what your life would be like.
Will you be getting up early and getting a workout in? Are you spending time with family? Enjoying a new activity that you’ve fallen in love with?
These are questions you want to ask yourself. Think about the ideal life you want to live. Imagine it without ever having to touch the drug you were addicted to.
Write this down in a journal. In one entry, take a moment to imagine the perfect day in your life after treatment. Describe it in the best details possible.
Paint the picture with your mind. Play it out like a movie, if you want. Either way, be as descriptive as possible.
Every day, make it a routine to look at this journal entry so you know that it can be achievable. With your addiction no longer a thing, you can live a better life. Yet, what if it gets to the point where you may feel a relapse coming on?
It’s important that you have to be prepared for that. Let’s talk more about that in the next section.
Have a relapse plan in place
Even after your first recovery, a relapse can happen. For this reason, you’ll want to have a plan in place just in case. This includes the actions you need to take, the people you need to talk to, and more.
Not everyone can recover from addiction on their first attempt. Those who do relapse may not have a plan in place for when it happens. That’s why you need to think ahead and have an emergency relapse plan in place.
When you do, you’ll have peace of mind knowing what to do. You may not even have to use it at all. Yet, it’s better to be prepared for it as opposed to not knowing what to do if and when a relapse does happen.
It is recommended that you put together a relapse plan while in treatment. You should also review this plan with your substance abuse counselor and also your family. This way, you’ll make them aware of it so they can be able to take the necessary actions in case you relapse.
Letting them know of what could happen will give them their own peace of mind. They will be confident in knowing that if you slip and fall, they will catch you. In truth, don’t keep your relapse plan a secret.
Because this could be a relapse plan that seems incomplete. And it will leave your family not knowing what to do.
Final Thoughts
Having a roadmap to fight addiction is essential. It should also take a few major pillars such as the starting point, what life will be like after treatment, and what to do in case of relapse. While getting over addiction is a challenge, it’ll be much easier if you have a plan in place.
Finding a treatment center will be your first step. Gallus Detox will be ready to answer your questions and help you start your treatment. If you need help, contact us today and we will make sure you’re on the right path to recovery.