OMICS Group Aims to Trick Researchers with Copycat Journal Titles
OMICS Group continues to launch and publish scholarly journals whose titles closely match those of established and respected journals, including...
The Chinese Publisher SCIRP (Scientific Research Publishing): A Publishing Empire Built on Junk Science
Another day, another report of a junk science article published by China-based publisher Scientific Research Publishing, or SCIRP. This publisher specializes...
Open-Access Physics Journal Accommodates Authors Blacklisted from arXiv
Progress in Physics is an open-access journal that publishes articles unsuitable for mainstream physics journals. Among other roles, it provides desperate...
OA Medical Journal Publishes Terrible Poem about Colitis
The International Journal of Medical Science Research and Practice(IJMSRP) is a new medical mega-journal that is probably published out of India,...
Is Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP) Publishing Pseudo-Science?
Scientific Research Publishing has published many articles by controversial researcher Mohamed El Naschie and his band of followers.
Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP) says it...
Have I Discovered the Source of the Hijacked Journals?
I received another report of a hijacked journal. Similar to many earlier cases, this established Austrian enology journal had only...
Hundreds of Articles Disappear as Publisher Changes Model from Open Access to Toll Access
The publisher EUROJOURNALS has apparently decided to change its publishing model from open access to toll access. This Seychelles-based publisher — which...
Plagiarism in the “Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies”
The editor of the Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies, Senthil P. Kumar, wrote an editorial in the journal that contains passages that appeared in...
Don’t Use PubMed as a Journal Whitelist
PubMed is not MEDLINE. I recommend against using PubMed as a list of quality journals for the purposes of finding...
Two More Unneeded, Open-Access Publishers Recently Appeared
In my previous blog post, I described three brand-new open-access publishers. Here are two additional new OA publishers that I’ve...