Although many students hate deadlines, they must reconsider their attitude to them as soon as possible. Whether you want it or not, cutoffs will be a part of the studying process and work in the future. Practicing fitting the deadline frames is helpful to organize your working and leisure time to write effectively. This article explains how to exclude the rush on the last day or work fruitlessly, even when you have a lot of time ahead.
Professional assistance
Cutoff dates are the goal for all attendants of educational institutions and workers, but not participants can meet them. College students tend to fail the papers most frequently due to many troubles during the writing process, poor time management skills, or private life.
The best solution for beginners is ordering professional assistants. If you need help, PaperHelpWriting is a perfect solution for students in any corner of the world. Getting an ordered essay, customers receive the perfectly written assignment in time with no failures. Research paper writing help is indispensable when the deadline is near at hand, and the student does not have enough skills to manage it quickly.
Except for the deadlines, a student has an opportunity to discover the example of the customized paperwork and use it as a sample in the future when having a broader closing date. Also, a student has an opportunity to implement the corrections and approve the draft. And the final work will contain no errors. That saves time significantly.
Applying for professional assistance is a perfect solution when you need urgent help to fit the deadlines and save your high grade.
Completing an essay with two weeks deadline
If you decide to struggle with writing an essay individually and have two weeks deadline, manage the time properly to fit the cutoff date and provide a perfect result:
- Day first: choose the topic before writing essays exploring all information you can find. Even if the theme sounds attractive to you, double-check the sources to write comprehensive and scientifically based paperwork. Make the notes or mark the core thoughts in the material.
- Several days later, start the detailed research. Devote a short time to it (up to five days since you determine the topic). Explore publications and Internet sources to collect the necessary information, highlighting the quotes that you will use in your essay.
- Days 5th-7th: start crafting your essay. During this period, create a draft with the thesis statement and chapters. If you notice a lack of information or disconnection of the chapters, return to the previous stage of the search.
- Days 6th-8th: write a draft according to the created outline implementing the quotation that you have selected. Finish the draft and take a rest at least a day. This technique will help to fresh your mind.
- Days 9th-10th: revise the essay paper. Read it out loud to make sure that it sounds sequential. Pay attention to the matching of each chapter to the thesis statement, smooth and logical paragraphs flow, clearness and preciseness of the sentences, appropriateness of the mentioned words. Correct the spelling or grammar mistakes. Leave your paper for one more day.
- Day 10th: give your paper to a friend or family member to read and listen to the aside opinion. Assume the suggestions and make the corrections if needed.
- Days 11-12th: double-check for grammatical, spelling, and stylistic mistakes. Do the corrections if necessary.
- Days 13-14th: provide the done essay to the professor.
This schedule helps to stay organized, manage the working process efficiently to provide a maximally effective result and meet the 2-weeks deadline frame.
Completing an essay on a 2-days deadline
For writing an essay in two days term, begin to work with it immediately. Remain maximally focused: the scope of work is hefty.
Dedicate only a few minutes to the topic selection, observing the Internet sources briefly. Highly likely, you will have no time for the library, so be maximally attentive to the credibility of the online sources which you are going to use.
Build your work consistently, saving time. Notes when working with the sources are your best helpers. Based on them, try to create a plan thinking out what you intend to tell in your essay. Highlight the essential arguments, facts, and quotes. Leave the second day for checking and revision.
Your worst enemy when writing an essay is procrastination. Avoid relaying that the best thought will occur to you at the last moment. Some emergencies may suddenly fall on your head, taking down the whole essay entirely. Even if you need to postpone the work for a while, dedicate the time to write at least a plan at once to imagine how much work is expected for you ahead. Remember that choosing the topic and researching the information usually takes more time than writing the draft itself.
The earlier you start, the better time management tactics you can develop. Also, do not try to do all the work in one day if you have spare time. It may worsen the quality of the work. Give your brain an opportunity to fresh and restore after each step.
You will need a lot of practice to write an essay quickly. Rushing up and without the necessary skills, the quality of the work will be poor. If you have a lack of experience in writing assignments, practice essay crafting with broad deadlines. When you catch a hint about the entire process, you will automatically work much faster in other disciplines and other topics as well.
Start enhancing the essays writing within the deadlines as soon as possible. This efficient skill will help you greatly in your future studies and career.