
Making your home more energy efficient is a sure-fire way to reduce your carbon footprint, cut your energy bills, and protect the planet. Most of the heating systems today have an eco-certificate for efficient working. That’s one of the ways to reuse the power and energy, convert it, and not letting the device lose the energetic values in the air. Despite this, many people assume that increasing energy efficiency equates to reducing functionality – and that’s not true. In reality, this isn’t the case at all. In fact, using a heat recovery unit to improve energy efficiency can actually enhance your living environment.

Today’s technology, and the advanced way of creating and installing these systems in the homes, are letting us warm up the whole area we want to cover, and still save some money on the bills. Also, the most important thing, in this case, is that we take an active part in protecting the environment, which should be our top priority, knowing how harmful the heating gasses are. In the next chapter, you will discover how one revolutionary system is using the excess water in your home, to convert it, and use it as a source of energy. So, let’s go there.

How Do Heat Recovery Systems Work?


A heat recovery system extracts moisture in the air from wet rooms in your property, such as the kitchen or bathrooms, filters it, and redistributes it to other areas, like the living or dining room. During the extraction process, the system also recovers heat that would normally be lost and uses it to warm the filtered air.

Heat recovery systems can either be installed in a single room or in your entire property. In a whole-house system, your heat recovery unit will typically be installed in your loft or attic space, with ducts running to each room to facilitate air extraction and supply. However, if this isn’t a viable option in your property, multiple single-room units can be used to ventilate and heat your home.

Anyway, there are plenty of benefits, and you can be sure you are doing something good for the environment and reducing your carbon print in nature.

What Are the Benefits?

Mechanical ventilation heat recovery (MVHR) systems offer a variety of benefits in both domestic and commercial settings, such as:

1. Increase in Air Quality


Modern housebuilding materials, like quadruple-glazing, have increased airtightness and reduced heat loss but a downside to this is that many homes are now poorly ventilated. When air permeability is reduced, moisture from everyday activities, like cooking, has nowhere to go. This can increase condensation and result in mold or damp development. When you ventilate a property with an MVHR system from BPC Ventilation, you can ensure excess moisture is removed and improve the air quality in your home.

As you know, the mold frees up some particles, named spores, that can be very dangerous if they get in your lungs. They are not visible to our eyes, but they can make huge damage, or even cause death, as a result of pneumonia they may cause. But, these systems won’t let that happen, because they will take the excess moisture and turn it into clean energy, completely recycled and reusable. So, it’s a win-win situation from so many aspects.

2. Reduced Fuel Bills


By extracting the heat from stale air and using it to increase the temperature of fresh air, heat recovery systems reduce your reliance on alternative heating systems. As a result, you’ll use less fuel to heat your home and benefit from a reduction in your energy bills.

Many people have a real struggle to pay their electricity and fuel bills, especially during the winter. Some days are really cold, and you need to use more heating devices. That may affect the environment in general, but if you are not that interested in saving it, you probably want to save something. High energy bills are something that usually happens during the colder months, but if you have a smart heating system in your home, that recycles and reuses other types of energy, you will save some money, that you’ll be able to invest in something else later.

3. Eliminate Draughts


When you install a heat recovery system in your home, you no longer need to rely on trickle vents and/or extractor fans to ventilate your property. When these are in situ, they can cause or contribute to draughts, due to a reduction in airtightness. When you remove excess moisture and stale air using a mechanical ventilation heat recovery system, however, you achieve optimal ventilation without reducing airtightness or increasing the risk of draughts.

Living a Greener Lifestyle


As environmental issues become more well-known, it’s easy to see that we need to modify our lifestyles to help protect the planet. Fortunately, you don’t have to forego convenience or comfort in order to embrace green living. With a heat recovery system in place, you can reap the benefits that come with living in a more energy-efficient home.

We all probably understand how the ecology is in a big crisis nowadays. We all drive vehicles, or use public transport, have heating systems at home, throw a lot of trash every day, not taking care of the food waste in the world. But, we all have an obligation to take care of this planet, because we will have to leave it to our grandchildren.

Many engineers are looking for better ways to heat the house, use biodegradable fuel, and fight against dangerous pollution particles. But, the people have the main role in this movie. You don’t need to change your habits overnight. Probably, it will take some time until you learn more about the efficient alternatives, and how important are they in protecting the environment.

We hope that this article is just the start of your long journey of living your life greener and taking enough care about what you leave behind you. Start from your everyday routines, and then watch around your home, and decide what things can be replaced, in order to get a green and energy-efficient home.