Do you know that 1.35 million people die and around 20 to 50 million people suffer from fatal injuries due to road crashes every year? This statistic is from WHO which further says that these accidents not only a serious loss of lives and livelihoods of people but it also severely affects the gross domestic product by 3% on an average.
Just imagine the situation if you are one of the victims of those who have lost their dear ones due to road accidents! Or though you survived the accident but suffered so severely that you became handicapped for the rest of the life?
Above all, the most painful than everything is when you survive but your dear ones die and if you were the driver. You can never excuse yourself for your shortcomings in your entire life.
Eventually, the ultimate solution to protect yourself from the unfortunate terrible happenings are simple measures to take care of such as always alert and be prepared for unforeseen accidents. Besides this, you need to also drive cautiously and keep your vehicle fit by regularly checking parts like brake systems, wheel, and tires, Jeep wrangler headlights, etc. You can visit MJSoffroad for your jeep inspection.
Here are the 5 most essential but very simple ways to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and happy on your upcoming road trips.
1. Regularly Check and Keep Your Vehicle Fit
If you are using an old vehicle or even if you are driving a comparatively new vehicle you need to necessarily and regularly check the various parts and components of your vehicle and keep it fit. Take care of the following components and make sure that they are up to date and replace them if required:
- Tire, spare tire, and tire pressure
- Brake system, filters, hoses, caps, and belts
- Light system, battery, wiper, and signals
- Oil, fluid for the windshield wiper, coolant, etc.
Besides the above, you must never ignore and neglect if you have any major problems with your vehicle. Many people who are overconfident in their driving skills suffer major accidents just because they count themselves over-smart to tackle major problems in their vehicle. Moreover, for the best automotive cybersecurity solutions, you should visit https://www.trustonic.
2. Never Overload Your Vehicle
Be alert about the weight capacity of your vehicle and never overload it at any cost. Always avoid accommodating more people than the capacity of your vehicle.
Besides this, you must never allow keeping heavy items under the seats including very big suitcases and other cargo items which will eventually increase the tremendous weight on the vehicle. Keep your luggage and other items low and battened down under the seat.
3. Prepare Yourself for the Driving
Never assume that if your vehicle is in order you have nothing to worry about for accidents. The majority of road crashes happen due to unpreparedness and negligence of the drivers. Therefore, prepare yourself before you have a trip plan.
Get a good sleep on the previous night if you have a family trip in the morning. Equip yourself and other passengers with necessary things like sunglasses etc. If you taking children especially babies along with you then you must take extra care both while driving and equipping with baby seats etc. Make sure that the windows and doors of your vehicle are safely closed and child safety locks are activated.
4. Never Distract Yourself While Driving
Take uttermost care of your phone and strictly avoid any telephonic conversation including responding to incoming calls. Drive at a permitted speed so that you can stop the vehicle comfortably and safely in times of need.
Adjust your seat for a comfortable and straight sitting posture. Make sure that you operate the steering and brake pedals at ease. This will ultimately help you turn your vehicle by putting your maximum strength when necessary.
The most important thing to keep in mind while driving is “expect for the unexpected”. Always assume that the drivers on the road might be crazy and behave in a strange way. Therefore, be prepared to avoid any situation created by other drivers.
Make a drive plan if you are on a long trip to Grand Cayman Villas. Articulate where to stop for snacks and foods, rest and relaxation not only for you and for the co-passengers and for phone calls but also for your car such as the engine, brakes, etc. Remember, never encourage yourself or the passengers to eat or drink in the car while driving. Rather, stop the car for a while and eat or drink, it takes a few minutes only.
Always be alert and keep an eye over your cargo especially if you have loosely tied. They might be the main reason for accidents. Similarly, keep your toll cards, toll fees, garage passes, etc. near you instead of keeping them in the suitcases or in the cargo. In the case, you have kept them in the cargo, make sure that once you unlocked the cargo and took out what you needed the cargo is kept back properly and safely.
Never ignore the seat belt nor the children out of their seats rather they should be buckled in the seat. Keep a watch on your children and make sure that they do not quarrel or fight with each other, or make too many noises. Loud noises may easily distract you from driving. Remember, your slightest error may be the biggest blunder.
5. Prepare for the Unforeseen
Always be alert and ready for any unforeseen situation and prepare everything that may be necessary to tackle emergencies. See that you have the following things already with you and ready to use:
- Tire changing tools
- First-aid-box
- A good and charged mobile phone
- Safe drinking water, flashlight, snacks, and dry foods and fluids, etc.
In addition to the above, make sure that you along with all other passengers have the necessary helpline numbers, police and ambulance contact numbers along with other necessary contacts such as the contacts of your vehicle supplier and your insurance company. They are important resources in times of strife during the turbulence on your trips.