
The US is definitely the largest sports market in the entire world. According to the statistics of a number of fans, cricket is especially popular currently in the US. In fact, it is in second place among the most famous sports, after European football. It is very interesting to hear that cricket has more than 2.5 billion fans in the entire world, and many of those fans are from the US. Now, you are probably wondering how cricket gained such popularity in the first place, so continue reading to find an answer!

Countries where cricket is gaining popularity

Except in India, Australia, and New Zealand where cricket is a highly popular game to play and watch, cricket is becoming as we mentioned increasingly widespread in the United States as well. However, all of you are going to be surprised to hear that this is not the first time that cricket is so popular in the US.

This sport was extremely popular in the 18th century there, so it is kinda normal that cricket found its way back. It loses its popularity because of the affection of the Civil War. The Americans truly embraced and accepted cricket as one highly social sport, extremely entertaining to watch and for betting. Based on some current estimates, the cricket market in the United States is having about incredible 35 million fans. New York City is especially considered the biggest hotspot for this sport. Now, let’s discuss the reasons why cricket become a highlight among Americans.

You can Place a Wager on Cricket


Recently, we are noticing the huge domination of cricket in the global sports arena. Expect the fact that the sport is so popular in stadiums, we can not neglect the fact that cricket also finds its way into sportsbooks. Since various sportsbooks realized the significance cricket sport have in their country and worldwide, they decided to include this sport on gambling platforms. Now, if you are a passionate bettor, you can decide to bet on cricket since it is available on TheTopBookies.

Preferences among cricket bettors are changing over time. Regardless, this sport is constantly offering new lucrative odds that gambling users can check out and decide how to place their bets. The good news is that more cricket tournaments and championships are organized and the predictions for the future are that more and more venues of this kind will be introduced soon. Hundreds of thousands of bettors are currently trying their luck by placing bets on their favorite cricket teams and players on a regular basis.

Additionally, whatever betting site you chose for your gambling activity, you can expect generous bonuses, a thrilling welcome, other promotional packages, deposit, and no deposit bonuses, free betting options, etc. This is something that surely attracts gamblers and adds a new level of excitement for fans of this sport. What makes the whole betting activity more fun is the fact that there is also a live betting option available

Cricket is a Highly Thrilling Game

If you have a chance to watch cricket, you have probably noticed how things in the game can take an unpredictable turn very fast. Even though you think that one team will win the match, the outcome can be completely opposite. It is very interesting that cricketers are breaking records in almost every organized tournament. This is generally one of the crucial reasons why people find cricket sport so exciting.

No matter whether it is a match or a world tournament, players will stay thrilled to the end of the cricket game. Additionally, if you love suspense, cricket will be a sport that you are going to feel in love with. This is a very easy and fun sport. In fact, many consider cricket is one of the easiest sports for playing. Of course, there are specific rules and regulations like in any other sport, however, there is no kind of confusion about how the game is played. It does not take long for an individual to learn those rules.


Sponsors and advertising

Believe it or not, cricket is the only sport in the whole world that receives such a wide amount of attention from various top sponsors. You are now probably wondering why is this happening to cricket only? The answer is very simple – because cricket has the biggest fanbase. People are coming from all around the world to watch a cricket match. If they are watching on TV, they are not letting anyone change a channel until the game is complete. Because of this high popularity level, it is now understandable why sponsors are ready to pay a big amount of money for a few seconds of popularity to show their brand to the audience.

A Range of Different Tournaments

One more reason why Americans fall in love with cricket sport so much refers to the fact that this sport has so many different tournaments. There are matches that last even five hours and there are also the ones that last for days, depending on the type of tournament. Therefore, there is constantly something new and exciting for cricket fans. Additionally, there are different versions of crickets which means that all individuals can find the version that best suits their taste. Some of the most popular cricket tournaments are T20, World Cup, test series, and different cricket formats.

World-Class Cricketers

There are so many world-class cricketers that people love! This is one more reason why this sport is cherished and popular in the US. World-class cricketers are highly experienced and skilled athletes so it is very interesting to watch the game when they are competing against each other. Some of them are legends who are breaking world records with their performances.


These legends are taking the cricket world and taking the whole sport to another level. There is something that keeps fans to seat by the TV screen even for hours just to watch their skills. With them, cricket sport can not be boring at all, since the turns of the match are constantly changing.