Are you trying to write an essay about yourself and come up with the most intriguing information? A lot of people do not know where to begin or how to write an essay successfully. It is imperative to learn how to write in the academic world without making mistakes or errors. If you wish to improve your writing skills and you want to get the idea of the right technique and approach, keep on reading! Here is how to do it, the right way!
10 Tips and Tricks on How to Write a Winning Essay About Yourself
1. Make up your mind
Before writing your essay make sure that you have some of the most basic questions answered and written down, as well as good to go. Think about:
- The style that you’re going for
- Do your research
- Find your inspiration
- Come up with a thesis
- Double-check your writing & grammar
This format will help with any kind of writing, and it will help everyone develop their ideas & their flow.
2. Create a list of questions
You should create a list of thorough questions that you’re going to answer in one way or another through your essay. Some of the most common questions that will help you get prepared are:
Your background story – family, school & finances
What was your biggest challenge to overcome
How have some challenges influenced your goals
What has changed on your journey thus far
These questions will help you in writing an academic essay, but especially when applying for a scholarship! In that case, this pattern is a must-follow.
3. Brainstorm your ideas
After considering smaller questions that are quite common, it is time to come up with your answers that can also be small & straight to the point, or big and ambitious – the choice is up to you. Approach your essay in the following way:
Make an intro
Find a way to answer 3 questions at the beginning
Come up with a conclusion
However, make sure that you spend the most time coming to a conclusion and figuring out what you’re actually going to write. Summing it up is often the hardest part.
4. Be open, honest & vulnerable
Don’t be afraid to let your strength & stories come through and to look vulnerable. It doesn’t really matter what the topic is about or what you’re trying to tell the world, the key is in your emotion. Knowing how to present yourself & your story will look and feel a little bit tricky, but it will definitely help you make or break that deal.
5. Use your personal examples
The essay is all about you for a reason, which means that you should use as many of ”I’m” sentence examples as possible. Keep on saying how you are feeling and what you believe in. Show your interests and your dislikes in one simple story-telling way. You can narrate the story however you like, so remember that before you make your draft!
6. Stay on topic
Always stay on topic and don’t lose yourself in the story or in the essay. You can highlight as many things that you want and you can talk about your accomplishments, as well as strengths & some weaknesses that you feel like you will improve on and work on in the future. However, read it out loud and make reviews before you submit it. We often tend to go off topic when writing about ourselves, which is a common mistake for most writers.
7. Let your personality come through
Do not be dry & boring, even though it is an essay for school or your college. Are you a funny and humorous person? Do you love to make jokes and get creative when expressing yourself in this way? If so, use a bit of humor and show your emotions, everyone will enjoy that! Do not come off as a pessimistic person, or even a downer. These essays are no fun to read at all.
8. Who are you writing for
Knowing to differentiate who you’re writing for and what is the occasion is crucial! Is this your scholarship essay? Is it a homework assignment? Are you writing it to get a better grade? Writing for different teachers and even loads of different people means changing your approach and your vision, as well as your narrative. Think about them & how you’re going to amaze them with your unique writing skills.
9. Be aware of your mistakes
Everyone is more than likely to make a mistake, especially if this is your first time writing this type of essay. Most writers tend to either overshare or not tell enough. Some writers also don’t put enough emphasis on their strengths and weakness, or they get lost in the story-telling process. Time makes everything perfect, but how much time you have left, and how will the situation unfold?
10. Proofread it & edit
The last step is answering your essay and double-checking if everything is spelled correctly. Does your flow make sense, and is it steady? How well-written is your story, and did you break paragraphs in the right place or places? You should also talk to your friends & family for their review and a quick look at the essay. Two brains are always smarter than one, especially if you are under a lot of stress.
Where to start & what are your options?
Feel like you’re having a bit of a writer’s blockage & you’re not too sure where to start? Making that first step without a guideline can be tricky, especially if you haven’t written essays in a while. Luckily for you, you can get all the help you need at wr1ter.com. They are the best site that will help you write an essay while delivering high-quality content. They are all about customer satisfaction and will help you with your essay, no matter the topic!