Why the COVID-19 Pandemic is the Perfect Opportunity to Buy a Sex Doll

Sex dolls are given a bit of a "frowned upon' stigma and in modern-day media, they have been brandished as...

Meet Bashar Ibrahim And His Amazing Travel Story

If you are planning on visiting a wide range of countries and learning everything there is about different cultures and...

8 Fun Music Facts That You Probably Didn’t Know About

Music has always been a part of our lives. It has been a passion for many, and that's why we...

7 Crazy Facts About Guitars That You Didn’t Know

We all know about guitars, right? But we are sure that there are some things that you wouldn't say you...

Bogus New OA Publisher Association Attempts to Compete with OASPA

Many have heard of OASPA (pronounced oh-ASS-puh), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association. It’s an industry association that brings together some...

Guest Editing a Special Issue with MDPI: Evidences of Questionable Actions by the Publisher

Note: I received the message below from a scientist who served as a guest editor for a so-called special issue...

How to Identify Reliable Suppliers of Genuine Automotive Parts?

Investing in genuine automotive parts means you care for your vehicle properly, paying attention to the quality of the spare parts and their performance...