Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms. It has over a billion users and gets hundreds of millions of active users each month. This platform has grown a lot in the last few years with businesses and brands investing heavily in the platform since a lot of users buy stuff that they see on Instagram. There are many ways to get followers on Instagram. If you can boost your credibility using automation tools listed at Viralyft.com or hiring marketing experts then you will gain a lot of exposure which can help you gain followers on Instagram. In this post, we will be taking a look at some ways with which you gain your first (or next) 1000 Instagram followers.
Focus On Creating a Good and Informative Profile
The first step is to ensure that users landing on your profile get all the information they need about your brand and are interested enough to check out your content and follow you. When you create your Instagram profile ensure that the username correlates to your business name. Many times your business name might be taken. If that’s the case then whatever additional text you need to add to make the username unique add it after your business name. This will ensure that when someone searches your brand on Instagram, they get your profile as one of the results. Add interesting but concise detail in the about section. It should be able to give an accurate idea of your brand to any potential follower. Add a link tree as well. This will contain links to all other social media platforms or websites related to your brand.
Look At What Other Creators in Your Niche are Doing
Researching and analyzing other creators in your niche can often help you in gaining ideas about what to do. Brands or businesses that have gained a good following on Instagram in your niche must have done something right. If you interact with their posts, comment and like them then Instagram will show you more posts of these kinds. You can then learn from these and decide what you can do to gain followers as well. Since people follow these profiles and engage with the posts chances are they will do the same with your content if you can post interesting and quality content on your profile.
Be Interactive
One of the things that you need to take care of if you want to gain more followers is to keep your existing followers happy and loyal. Loyal followers will engage with your posts constantly giving them the needed exposure. One of the ways to keep your followers loyal is to interact with them regularly. Replying to comments or answering their DMs can often lead to people engaging with your content more since they have the hope that you will react to the comment or reply to it. Using Instagram stories to do AMAs or doing Insta lives for your fans can be quite powerful in helping create a community around your brand.
Only Post High-quality Images and Videos
Instagram is a platform that revolves around media. The higher the quality of your image and the more impactful your content will be. Visually appealing posts are more likely to gain attention on Instagram. If you have the budget, investing in professional photography for your brand is recommended. It’s okay if you don’t have the budget. You can use your phone camera if it’s decent enough. Do not forget to use good editing software or even Instagram’s editing tool to jazz up your image and make it look more appealing. These filters have been created to make images look good on Instagram. So, use them to ensure that your images and videos look good on the platform. Bad or poor quality images are a bug no-no when it comes to Instagram.
Form A Strategy
Without having a plan of action you will not be able to reach 1000 followers in less time or at any time. You will be wasting your energy and effort on a bunch of random things if you don’t exactly know what you need to achieve. So, the idea is to form a strategy or a plan which details your specific goals, in terms of metrics and other engagement numbers. Then you have to detail your content generation plan and the tools you will use for promotion. If you plan to find the best sites to buy Instagram followers and then invest in the service to buy Instagram followers or if you invest in social media marketers or automation tools then you have to write it down or note it down. This will help you keep track of what you are currently doing and what you are trying to achieve. The strategy should be flexible so that you can incorporate stuff that you learn.
Hashtag Usage
Do hashtag research by analysing your competitors and other creators who exist in the same niche. Note down the hashtags that they regularly use. Do this for multiple accounts and you will have a lot of hashtags to choose from when you upload your next post. Hashtags have the potential to bring in new followers so use them wisely. Don’t spam the same hashtags on every post. Try to mix different hashtags and keep it simple. The more spam-like behavior your post has the less likely it is to be picked up by the algorithm on a positive note. So, use different hashtags and figure out the ones that are working well for you. Then try to use those hashtags more often while mixing with other ones.
So, these were some of the tips one can follow to gain more exposure on Instagram and start gaining some growth. The main thing to remember is that even if you buy Instagram followers use them to gain organic growth. It will take time to gain 1000 followers organically. But in a couple of months you will be able to do so if you stick to your strategy and keep improving it with every new experience. All the best.