In a search for ways to improve education quality, many schools have come to the conclusion that laptops might change many things in the world of education. Still, there are many issues to solve and things to consider. For example, if a school moves to the implementation of laptops in classrooms, the educational establishment shall provide learners with laptops for free. This means a lot of money for the school.
However, some research shows that the success level of those students who use laptops is incomparably higher than those who don’t use it. Especially, it is clear when it comes to writing academic essays and research papers. Even though college students still look for reliable and professional essay writing services like CustomWritings.com from time to time, but it happens in the most urgent cases only.
Advantages that Come with Laptops
So, what about some advantages that laptops bring in a classroom? Some of them are evident, and you might be well aware of them. However, let us check all in detail.
Editing and proofreading become less time-demanding and more efficient. Of course, you have worked on a laptop or a PC. So, you know that in a document, you can find a lot of tools, including those that check your text for grammar and lexical errors, and punctuation. With them, many things become easier. All the errors are already underlined, and even the suggestions for improvements are available.
Don’t forget though that even the smartest tool is just a tool. So, double-check the suggestions and accept those only that are correct. And yes, in some cases, you will need to make some research if you need to select the best option.
Making notes is much easier if typing instead of writing. Moreover, students can arrange their notes in a way that they are comfortable to use. It is possible thanks to formatting tools.
Accessibility of resources is stunning. With a laptop and a stable internet connection, students can access the best libraries in the world and even get in touch with leading scientists, famous writers, and so on. It is needless to mention that these opportunities boost motivation incredibly. They also provide students with unique knowledge and experiences that can be used for:
- Writing an essay;
- Doing research;
- Making a project, and so on.
Ok, these were some advantages that are based on the availability of the resources that are not available otherwise. What about some personal benefits? While most people argue that laptops in particular and computing technologies, in general, have a negative impact on personal relationships between people, laptops bring a lot of benefits when it comes to communication and collaboration in a classroom. Moreover, they help to improve the relationships between learners and teachers.
Collaboration online opportunities make students motivated and willing to share their ideas and achievements. It helps not only to improve writing skills but also to improve students` performance in general. With the internet and laptop availability, students can:
- Work on the same project from their homes, thanks to the internet and cloud computing technology;
- Communicate conveniently and share ideas about the project in live mode, via messengers;
- Edit documents online, thanks to online tools, and do many more things.
All these technologies allow students to see the progress of each team member and to suggest changes and improvements immediately.
The application of laptops helps to improve the relationship between learners and teachers. It is clear that the younger generation is more aware of computers and all kinds of gadgets. If teachers share the same affection, and moreover, if teachers can teach students more about these technologies and how to use them for studies, it boosts the students` trust in teachers and interest in learning.
A Laptop or a Desktop?
Some parents believe that a desktop and a laptop provide the same studying opportunities. However, is it the truth? Let us compare these devices to decide which of them can improve your writing skills more efficiently.
- It is clear that both a PC and a laptop with access to the internet provide wonderful opportunities. However, students can use their desktops only at home. While a laptop provides the following options:
- A student can work in a library and use a laptop to look for additional information or for collaboration purposes;
One can make notes during a lesson if one has a laptop. With a PC, it is impossible.
A student can write his/her essay or any other writing task while relaxing in a park or spending time somewhere else in a nice place, or during a trip on a train, a bus or even an airplane. Can you imagine carrying your PC with you?
Final Thoughts
Laptops at school definitely offer numerous opportunities to both students and teachers. They would help not only to improve writing skills but will be definitely beneficial for many more things. Even though this innovation is connected with additional expenses, but it is worth it definitely.