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Guest blog post by Dr. Ali Mobasheri, University of Nottingham

Oxford, also known as the “City of Dreaming Spires” (the term coined by poet Matthew Arnold) is a beautiful university town in the UK. It is my Alma Mater and the place that I spent four happy years in during my Ph.D. work. Unfortunately, this beautiful city is being targeted by the notorious OMICS Group this spring.

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The OMICS Group is proposing to hold the 5th International Conference on Biomarkers and Clinical Research from April 15-17, 2014 at the University of Oxford. Here is the e-mail that I received from them on 26 February:

From: Biomarkers-2014 [] Sent: 26 February 2014 13:46
To: Ali Mobasheri
Subject: Seeking participation at the University of Oxford UK

Dear Dr. Ali Mobasheri,

Greetings from Biomarkers-2014!

The 5th International Conference on Biomarkers and Clinical Research will be held during April 15-17, 2014 at University of Oxford, UK.

Biomarkers-2014 intends to ground the disciplines likes biological and applied life sciences into the computational analysis, genomics & proteomics, analytical & biophysical and microarray technologies.

The conference emphasizes the areas of types & approaches for biomarker discovery, proteomic biomarkers, cytogenetic biomarkers, SNP biomarkers, molecular imaging biomarkers, microarray data analysis, clinical & non-clinical biomarkers, diagnostic biomarkers, biomarkers for a disorder, clinical research & development, biomarkers of exposure, response, and susceptibility and microbial infections.

Kindly visit the conference website at:

The scientific program has been updated on the website.

We would like to know about your participation interest at this conference.

Please feel free to contact us for any further queries and concerns.


Michael Smith
for Biomarkers-2014
Ph: +1-650-268-9744
Toll-Free: 1-800-216-6499
Fax: +1-650-618-1414

Although many of us are aware of the despicable tactics used by the OMICS Group, there may be a number of unsuspecting academics in the UK’s research community who may fall for this trap. If you know anyone who has fallen for this, please warn them and refer them to blogs published on this and other sites.

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