Achieving exceptional academic performance and stress-free life in college requires individuals to arrange their priorities, something that most students don’t know. Tracking your progress and organizing your daily activities is a major factor that differentiates successful and unsuccessful learners. But how should you go about it? These top 7-time management tactics can help you complete your assignments within their deadlines and prepare for examinations adequately.
1. Have a plan

The first step to managing your time effectively is having a clear plan of what you are supposed to do throughout the day, week, or month. If you’re a disciplined time manager, you can even prepare a list of activities for the entire semester, although this might not be as effective as daily or weekly plans. Nonetheless, you’ll likely stick to your routine as time goes by.
Identifying what you should do and at what time and prioritizing your tasks based on their urgency can help you avoid delivering your assignments after their due dates. In addition, it prepares you psychologically for different tasks. So, whether you prefer making a list of the most important activities or an entire day’s schedule, planning ensures you know what you should be doing, where, and when.
2. Set realistic goals and deadlines
The first step to improving your time management skills is setting deadlines for your assignments and ensuring you complete them within the stipulated time. In addition, as a student, your academic success depends on how much you’re prepared for each project, and that means having realistic goals. Individuals who stay ahead of deadlines have a smooth college life since besides having enough time to conduct research, they can proofread their papers and polish them as many times as possible before their due dates. So, no matter how busy your schedule is, try as much as you can to set realistic targets for your homework and stick to a defined period.
3. Set aside time to relax
Taking time off from studies and any other activity that involves critical thinking is important for your physical and mental health. No matter how bright you are, you should break long study sessions by taking time away from your books or the screen. Giving your mind a rest helps to improve your memory and reset it, allowing you to comprehend more information when you resume studying.
Meditation is one of the most effective ways to relax after spending a long time working on your assignments or attending classes. Besides reducing back pains, anxiety, and other stress-induced symptoms, it makes your brain healthier by enhancing its ability to process information efficiently. Other leisure activities to rejuvenate your mind include watching short movie clips, attending yoga sessions, dancing, and walking.
4. Seek professional help
Writing essays can be time-consuming, especially if you have multiple assignments due around the same time. However, hiring an essay writing service can free up your time, allowing you to focus on other important tasks or subjects, thereby reducing the stress of managing a tight schedule.
5. Handle one task/ assignment at a time
Although many individuals consider multitasking an effective strategy for completing several projects simultaneously, it actually affects productivity and the quality of papers. Handling several tasks at the same time can result in poor or lack of concentration, meaning you’ll likely not give your assignments the attention they deserve. Therefore, instead of focusing on multiple tasks, tackling them one at a time is the best approach to facilitate extensive research, which will likely help you produce exceptional work.
6. Be flexible and realistic
Allocating between 2-8 hours to studying is realistic although your productivity may vary depending on your mood, motivation, and plans for other personal activities like grooming, recreation, and socializing. In some instances, things may not go as you’ve planned, which is totally fine. For example, it might take a longer or shorter period than you expected to complete a task. In case of such uncertainties, it doesn’t harm to adjust your plan for the day.
7. Delegate tasks
Your siblings, roommates, family members, and partners can be resourceful when it comes to managing your time. Although you can’t ask them for help with an essay or rely on them to study on your behalf, they can assist with chores like washing dishes, clothes, and other activities as you continue with your studies. If you are studying and working at the same time, it is wise to pay someone to assist you with cleaning and other tasks around the house; this approach can only be more effective for students in rented apartments.
In summary, time management is one of the best techniques students can use to improve their academic success. Besides helping you to identify priority activities and accomplish them within their deadlines, an effective study plan can boost your morale since you’ll likely be anticipating each day with a clear picture of what you should be doing. However, as you prepare a schedule for your daily activities, always ensure to understand your mood and motivations. For example, it might not be a good idea to prioritize writing an assignment that requires critical thinking if you feel less creative since you might not give it your best. Similarly, it can be more rewarding if you spend the day revising for your upcoming examinations if you feel more focused. Although all the approaches that we have discussed in this article can help you have productive days, planning is the golden secret to achieving your goals.