Over the last few months, countries across the world are slowly opening businesses. That is making people return to their physical workplaces just like the time before COVID-19. However, Opening businesses would be very different this time. Businesses have to implement policies and make changes to reduce the risk of a further outbreak of COVID-19. The visitor management system of ilobby can help the businesses in this endeavor. Here are some of the beautiful benefits that you can reap by using this smart system. Check it out.
Contactless Sign-in Process
At the beginning of this year, most of the businesses never have thought about the contactless sign-in process. A reception manned by receptionists was the standards method of managing the visitors for most companies. However, some companies across the world had already started to issue an RFID tagged card to their employees.
This system allowed the employees of the company to sign in just by scanning their cards, which was a contactless way of signing in. However, the pandemic that shook the world almost since the beginning of this year. It has compelled the owners of the businesses to think about using such touchless signing in methods for the visitors as well.
The smart system of iLobby helps the companies in managing their visitors in a completely touchless fashion. The smart system allows visitors to book appointments and completes the precheck in process with the help of their mobile phones right from their homes.
This smart system uses the QR codes to help the visitors to sign in with the help of it. The visitors just have to scan the QR code with the help of their mobile phones or iPad once they arrive at your premises. This scanning will help the receptionists to read the details about the visitor that they have filled in while booking the appointment. It also helped the visitors to read about the necessary rules and regulations that they have to follow while visiting your business well before they reach your office premises. This system also enables you to have control over the flow of visitors coming to your office premises.
Health questionnaire
In the coming months, the health questionnaires are going to play a major role in keeping the outbreak of COVid-19 in check. The smart visitor management systems help you to make sure that every one of your visitors fills them before coming down to your office.
The smart system can evaluate the answers to the health questions and check whether any of the visitors are showing any COVID-like symptoms. If the system finds any such individual, it will notify you well before the visitor comes to your office. In this way, you can cancel the appointment or make necessary arrangements to reduce the chances of the spread of infection.
Using the custom fields on the system, you can also ask the visitors if they have visited any of the places which recently saw an outbreak within the past two weeks. If any of your visitors answer positively to this question, the smart system can generate alert to you about the issue.
Engaging safety messages and policies
It is becoming more and more important each day to make the visitors aware of the policies and the rules and regulations about the company before they come to your premises. The smart iLobby visitor management system is the perfect way for you to do that.
With the help of this smart system, you can easily send videos, documents and PDFs to make the visitor aware of the threat of the COVID-19. You can also use the system to make sure that the visitor signs an agreement to follow all the COVID-19 policies while they come to your premises.
It also helps you to send the visitors the NDAs and other necessary documents that they need to sign before visiting your office. It simply reduces the workload of the reception staff and makes sure that they do not come in contact with the visitors if it is not necessary. If you are not sure what types of messages you can send to the visitors about the COVID-19, you can do a little research on the internet. You will find plenty of messages that the businesses across the world are already sending to their visitors.
Max occupancy
Most of the companies will be using the methods of max occupancy after opening their doors once again. While implementing this method is necessary, executing this method is one of the biggest problems that the companies face. The smart visitor management system can help you in this regard as well. With the help of this system, you can set a maximum occupancy level both in your site and the group level. The system will let you know when the max occupancy is reached. With the help of this system, the employees can check and plan about who will be going to the office on a particular day.
There is no doubt that touchless visitor management systems are here to stay. If you want to keep your staff and the visitors safe, then you have to install one of the iLobby smart visitor management systems. Talk to the visitor management system companies to find out a smart application that suits your purpose and budget perfectly to stay abreast of COVID-19.