Vegetables are a complete source of vitamins and minerals and you should definitely consider adding them to your dog’s diet. But before you feed your pet a vegetable salad, you should find out in detail which vegetables can be given to the dog and which are best avoided. Despite the benefits of vegetables, some of them can cause serious harm to your pet. Most dogs are not happy with vegetables appearing in the bowl instead of meaty Chewy Dog foods. But fresh vegetables are necessary for the normal development of not only a puppy but also an adult dog. Thanks to vegetables, the pet’s body rejuvenates and protects against the appearance of tumors, which means that with a balanced diet, your dog will live a long time without being exposed to the risk of various diseases.
Allowed vegetables with best Chewy dry dog food

Healthy vegetables that will have a positive effect on the well-being of animals include the following:
- carrot;
- cucumber;
- zucchini;
- pumpkin;
- cabbage;
- celery;
- bell pepper.
In what form to give vegetables to a dog, depends largely on the taste preferences of your pet.
Most dogs eat vegetables with pleasure, but there are some for which they are not of interest. So, it is better to chop the vegetables and mix them with premium food from the best brands before feeding your dog.
Find out more here: https://bestdogfood.expert/the-best-one-chewy-dog-food-you-can-get-for-your-lovely-pet/.
For example, carrots are most beneficial because they contain fiber and beta-carotene. Eating carrots has a positive effect on intestinal function and improves visual acuity. Pets can be given raw or finely chopped. Boiled carrots added to porridge with meat will be eaten as quickly as regular Chewy dry dog food. In addition to its beneficial properties, carrots cleanse the enamel on the teeth well, so if your dog likes to gnaw this root vegetable, then you should not limit it to this.
Cucumbers are completely safe for animals. They contain potassium, magnesium, copper, vitamins B1, C, and K, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and kidneys. Cucumbers are a dietary food, so giving them to dogs with signs of obesity is a must combined with Chewy food for weight loss.
White cabbage contains a lot of useful substances, including potassium, calcium, vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants, which are involved in cleaning the blood of toxic substances. Before adding cabbage to a pet’s Chewy dry food, it must be boiled, because this vegetable without heat treatment contributes to the formation of gases in the intestines, which will torment the animal. If you steam white cabbage, it will retain all the nutrients and trace elements.
Cauliflower contains less coarse fiber, so it is safer for your pet’s gut than the previous option. This property of cauliflower makes it indispensable for feeding sick and weakened animals. It does not cause the dog to feel discomfort in the stomach and intestines, it is perfectly digested, saturating the body with useful substances. But before adding cauliflower to the diet, it is advisable to boil it.
If the dog has not experienced an allergic reaction to bell pepper, it can be safely added to the diet.
Pepper contains half of the known vitamins and minerals, besides, it can be added boiled, stewed, or raw, after removing the seeds from it.
Boiled pumpkin will help dogs get rid of constipation. Pumpkin is a vegetable richly enriched with useful substances since it contains magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, iodine, and vitamins B6, B9, B5, B2, B1, C, T, and A. In addition, the abundance of iron in pumpkins has a positive effect on the circulatory system of the animal and is a prophylactic agent against anemia. Vitamin T prevents obesity in older dogs, and flavonoids prevent aging in pets. This vegetable is useful in any form, so it can be baked, boiled, and – if your pet doesn’t mind – give it raw.
Zucchini is significantly inferior to pumpkin, but it is also healthy, so it can also be added to your Chewy dry pet food. If you’re serving boiled or baked vegetables, try adding zucchini to them.
Vegetables to be eaten with care
Not all vegetables can be safely added to your dog’s diet. Some of them are recommended to be given infrequently, while carefully observing the well-being of the animal since not everyone will benefit from these vegetables. It is necessary to monitor the behavior of the pet after it has eaten:
- Tomatoes. If your four-legged friend is not prone to allergies, then you can please him with a piece of tomato. Tomato must be of high quality since most of them contain nitrates, the effect of which is reflected in the functioning of the kidneys. In addition, an excessive number of eaten tomatoes can lead to indigestion, tachycardia, tremors, etc. At the same time, tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, perfectly remove tartar and prevent tissue inflammation, so this vegetable is very useful in small quantities.
- Ginger. Can ginger be given to a dog? It is a good anti-cancer agent, so it can be added to feed, but infrequently. For preventive purposes, finely chopped ginger is recommended to be added to the pet’s food once a week for 1/5 tsp. Do not add ginger to the best pet food from Chewy brands that have undergone surgery or suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.
- Beets. Boiled or baked beets do not pose a threat to your pet if he is not allergic to it. It can be added in small amounts. Eating large amounts of beets will lead to an upset stomach.
- Redis. There is a lot of calcium in this vegetable, so it is useful not only for animals but also for their owners. After the radish is added to the dog’s Chewy food, you need to carefully monitor its behavior, as often when using this vegetable, disorders arise. It is forbidden to feed the animal with radishes in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys.
- Eggplant. If your dog is in good health, you can add eggplant to the diet. But you should not feed your pet with this vegetable every day. Eggplant is contraindicated for animals with kidney disease. Before adding a vegetable to Chewy nutrition, it must be boiled or baked.
Vegetables that are forbidden to give to pets
If your animal eats any vegetables with pleasure, this does not mean that they will be useful, therefore, you must refuse to introduce such products into the pet’s diet as:
- Potatoes. It must be completely excluded from the pet’s diet since it is not digested in its raw form; also toxic. When cooked, this vegetable is loaded with starch and potassium and can result in problems such as arthritis and indigestion.
- Trousers. This root vegetable must be completely avoided since it is the strongest allergen that can provoke thyroid disease.
- Onions and garlic. It is forbidden to add them, as they have a toxic effect on their body. In addition to frustration and vomiting, the use of onions and garlic can be fatal.
- Corn. Because of its good taste, most dogs are happy to eat corn. The benefits from it are minimal, but corn is a strong allergen, which the body of not every animal is able to cope with.
Having dealt with permitted and prohibited vegetables, you can safely add them to the diet of your four-legged friends. Vegetables will help your dogs stay healthy and active and fun.