
Have you ever heard of the flight delay compensation? A lot more air passengers are now becoming aware of their rights. No one likes to be inconvenienced due to the negligence of an airline.

It can be a very unpleasant experience, and many people are worries whether they can get a valid compensation or another date to use their ticket.

With the number of flight delays and cancellations today, it’s okay to be curious about what to do if you’re ever faced with such. In this article, we have provided answers to some of the frequently asked questions about flight disruptions.

What Causes Flight Delays and Cancellations?

There are numerous reasons why your flight could get delayed or cancelled. Common reasons include air traffic control restrictions, bad weather conditions, security threats, bird strikes, the crew out of time, knock-on effects from another delayed flight, mechanical issues, long waits for passengers or cargo, and catering issues, among many others.

All these reasons are valid but shouldn’t be at the expense of your convenience as a passenger. The first thing you need to find out is the reason behind the disruption, which the airline is obliged to tell you. If the reason was within the airline’s control, then they have to pay you for the inconvenience caused. If not, you can contact a company or agency like ‘Click2Refund’ that can help you get duly and rightfully compensated for the inconvenience caused by the said airline company. When in a Scandinavian country like Norway, Sweden or Denmark, and faced with a situation like an abnormal flight delay with a reputed carrier like SAS, go for an SAS claim for delayed flight, and get up to a maximum of €600 in compensation.

Also, we suggest you to always read more about the news related to potential cancellations so you can prepare on time. For example, it can be a serious problem if you have an important meeting in another state, and you flight got cancelled at last minute. Even though most airline companies will provide you with another ticket or bring your money back, this can affect your career.

What Are My Rights If My Flight Gets Delayed or Cancelled?


The EU 261/2004 regulation protects the rights of air passengers in situations like this. This regulation applies to you if your trip is starting from an EU member state or landing in one, provided the airline is headquartered in the EU. It covers flight disruptions including delays, cancellations, missed connecting flights, and denied boarding.

There are several available options in most cases, which is to choose between getting the money back, choosing another date, or another airline company. However, it is crucial to pay attention to some hidden terms. For instance, if the flight got delayed or cancelled more than two weeks before the data, and you haven’t made any actions, you might not be able to get another date with the same company so easily.

Therefore, it is important to stay up to date. The fact is that many people prefer buying tickets in advance since they can be much cheaper that way, but there could be issues if they miss an information about certain changes.

What Am I Entitled to Under the EC 261 Regulation?

The EC 261 law ensures that every affected passenger gets monetary compensation between €250 and €600. This is calculated based on the flight distance and not the price of your flight ticket. So, yes! It applies even if you bought a low-cost ticket.

In addition to monetary compensation, you are also entitled to basic services when your flight is delayed for more than two hours. This includes access to the internet and telephone, complimentary food and drinks, and a free hotel booking if you have to spend the night.

If you have experienced a delay of more than five hours or your flight eventually got cancelled, you can request to be on another flight or ask for a refund.

What Should I Do Next If I’m Faced with a Flight Disruption?


If you ever find yourself in this situation, the first thing you should do is find out the cause. Then, you can start gathering relevant documents that can help you win this case. Furthermore, you can call your travel agency to help you with the next steps or hire a lawyer to guide you through the process.

There are also agencies like Flightright constantly fighting for affected air passengers to get compensated. Contact the airline or fill out a compensation form on their website if it’s available to get started on the compensation process.

Keep in mind that some airlines might try to take the situation in their favor, and accuse you of being misinformed and blame you if you missed the news about delayed and not asking for a refund or change of date on time.

Also, don’t rush with accepting the first offer you got from the company. Be sure to check all details and learn more about your rights so you can get the most in your favor. They are responsible for such an inconvenience, and you are the one who must get a proper compensation.

Moreover, be sure to save your ticket, along with the bills and all other papers you prepared for the travel. That will make it much easier in case that you have to prove that your flight was cancelled, and when you are requesting the proper compensation.

Another important thing is to know that you have the right to ask for a refund if the flight was delayed for a longer time. Keep in mind that the company might try to offer you a new ticket and even provide certain benefits. However, if you don’t benefit from them since you needed to travel on that particular date, you have all rights to ask for a full refund.

Bottom Line


If you have ever experienced a flight delay or sudden flight cancellation, you should know how frustrating it can be. You can however take advantage of the situation and get duly compensated for the inconvenience caused.

It does not matter what caused the delay, the company is always responsible for that. Therefore, if you have to wait for a longer time at the airport, the company is obligated to provide you with food, water, and even a hotel room.

It is common that they will try to convince you into choosing a new date, but if you want a refund, you have a legal right for that as well. A lot of people are not aware of this, which is the main reason to contact experienced services that can help.