Buying sneakers online in 2024 might seem like a good idea but being extra careful while doing so is the best; counterfeit brands have successfully used the opportunity of people online shopping bigger than ever before. Thankfully, there are legit check services available online that allow us to authenticate the branded item before purchasing it so we buy the original models only. LegitGrails authentication services with the fastest turn-around time are available 24/7 to serve you! The experts not only will analyze the product thoroughly but will also give you the authenticity certificate, so if you ever decide to resell the item, the buyer will be assured that the product is legit. If you have decided to authenticate the item on your own, you can check out their guides and follow each step closely.
Short description of 5 unusual trainers of 2024
New models are being made every year, brands are trying to create something that has never been seen before and sometimes these designs are so unusual that it becomes the main reason of its popularity. You already know how trendy items get counterfeited the most so today we’ll be explaining what to pay attention to in different unusual-looking sneakers. Most of the time these kinds of models are very hard to find online and if the website you found is selling them in a large quantity, then you should consider this as a big red flag and check the origin of it.
1. X-Pander Balenciaga
Established in 1917, the Spanish brand Balenciaga has always been revolutionary with its exquisite, never-before-seen designs. The brand started creating unusual shapes for women’s wear such as semi-fit lines, sack dresses, and the ballroom hems.
Balenciaga X-Pander sneakers have a pretty unusual design; the top part does not scream Balenciaga but the sole stands out and takes all the attention to itself. If you notice that the sole unit of the sneaker is a bit lower, you can take it as a red flag.
Another major thing that you need to pay attention to is the stitching; X-Pander sneakers have neat, seamless sewing whereas the replica pair might have sloppy, loose stitches so you should look out for these differences.
2. Balskee Isabel Marant
Isabel Marant opened up her first boutique in Paris nearly 20 years ago and now at 54, she is the owner of 13 shops located all around the globe from Los Angeles to Beirut.
Iconic Balskee Isabel Marant sneakers are made with suede and leather which are super hard to replicate, especially that counterfeit brands try to use cheap materials to reduce the costs. If the pair seems to have a rough surface with a different texture, then it most likely is fake. You should also pay attention to the sole that is supposed to be chunky and wide, not more or not less.
“Being a woman designer, for me, is not about fantasy; it’s about dressing women properly with an energy that corresponds to now.” – Isabel Marant.
3. Zoom MMW4 Nike
Nike was founded as Blue Ribbon Sports in 1964 by an American track-and-field coach, Bill Bowerman. The very first Nike retail outlet was opened in 1966 and shortly after in 1972 the first brand shoe was launched too. It will not be an exaggeration if we say that Nike changed the athletic shoe industry with its revolutionary innovations.
Nike Zoom MMW4 sneakers are unusual with their soles that are not like anything else: wearing the counterfeit model with low-quality materials will be almost impossible as the sole won’t say as high and wearing it will not feel comfortable either.
The net-like surface on top of the sneaker is another thing you should closely observe as it might be too large or too small on a fake pair.
Overall, when there are many details in the model, counterfeiters struggle even harder as copying every spot flawlessly is impossible.
4. McDonald’s x BTS x Nike Air Max Plus TN
The existence of McDonald’s x BTS x Nike Air Max Plus TN sneakers might seem weird for some but it is pretty logical if we think about the fact that South Korean pop culture has grown explosively. BTS, a K-pop band has recently collaborated with McDonald’s where fans could taste exclusive Chicken McNugget Meal. The sneakers have been designed accordingly too. Taking into account the fact that the sneakers are custom-made it is super hard to get them, even harder than getting front row seats at the BTS concert, so if you find a pair available for sale online, make sure that every detail matches the official pictures.
5. Screener Gucci
Gucci is one of the oldest Italian fashion brands still operating today which was founded in 1921 by Guccio Gucci. Even though the brand started as a luggage manufacturer, today their clothes and fashion accessories are worn by all from celebrities to politicians. Gucci always manages to create designs that are unique and can be worn on many different occasions from casual to formal events. Gucci uses the highest quality materials and pays their workers fair wages, that is why it is as expensive as it is. Do not forget the smart marketing strategy and rich heritage that make Gucci this popular at all times.
Gucci Screener leather sneakers are less unusual looking compared to the other models mentioned in the guide. The main detail you should pay attention to is the leather – while Gucci uses authentic, high-quality materials, counterfeiters use poor quality products that are visible to the eye and will show their “durability” in a short period of time after daily use.
Another detail worth observing is the Gucci strap – make sure the colors, as well as the measurements, match.
Keep in mind that all of the counterfeit goods are made by different factories so the replica pairs that you might find online will be ridiculously different from one another.