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Another pay-to-publish, open-access publisher has appeared: Lawarence Press. Based in Delhi, India, the press is named after the street its headquarters is located on, a rare, variant spelling of the name Lawrence. It appears the owners are web developers with little or no knowledge of scholarship, research, or scholarly publishing, but they are rushing in any way.

Only one of the firm’s 61 journals has really launched, and it is called Journal of Nursing. The journal’s editor-in-chief is Dr. Travis K. Svensson, a smiley psychiatrist who claims an affiliation with the University of San Francisco.

Travis has five papers in the first issue of the journal he edits.

The journal has only published one issue so far (Volume 1, issue 1), and lo and behold, the editor, Travis K. Svensson, is a co-author on all five of the articles in the issue. No wonder he’s excited to be the editor — he finally found a journal that would accept and publish his work.

The journals don’t have separate editorial boards. Instead, there is a page that lists and illustrates with photos all the editors-in-chief for all the firm’s journals, along with a bunch of “assistant editors,” who function as collective editorial board members for all 61 journals.

The picture of the EiC of the publisher’s Journal of Heart Care is my favorite:

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, ,na, Batman!

This is Dr. Sandeep Kumar Kar. As you can see, the publisher is challenged by punctuation.

Some of the pictures appear to have problems with aspect ratio, a common problem with predatory editorial boards:

Problem with the aspect ratio.

I am surprised that this amateurish and unprofessional publisher has managed to attract editorial board members and editors-in-chief.

Regarding author fees, the spam email says,

Journal of nursing(J Nurs) charges on-line maintenance and processing fee. A processing charge will vary from case to case and subject to an editorial decision.

In other words, you will have to haggle over the fee as if you were buying vegetables in an open-air market.

I hope you never pay a fee to this publisher. I recommend avoiding it and ignoring the spam you are certain to receive from Lawarence Press.

Hat tip: Dr. Barbara Martin


Journals published by Lawarence Press as of 2016-01-18

  1. Acta Ingeniería Civil
  2. Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interactive design
  3. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
  4. Clinical Biochemistry Insights
  5. Dermatologia Insight
  6. Diabetes Therapeutics
  7. Drug and Healthcare
  8. European Journal of Economic and Business
  9. Extreme Electric Power Letters
  10. Frontiers of Accounting and Finance
  11. Frontiers of Ecological Engineering and Enviromental [sic] Science
  12. Frontiers of Marketing Research
  13. Frontiers of Polymer Science and Research
  14. Frontiers of Thermal and Fluid Science
  15. Gastroenterology Research and Reviews
  16. Gynecologic and Obstetric Insights
  17. Insight Minerals Engineering
  18. International Journal of Hydrodynamics
  19. Journal of Advancements in Plasticity Engineering
  20. Journal of Advances in Cardiology Research
  21. Journal of Angle Othodontotist [sic]
  22. Journal of Art and Social Sciences
  23. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science
  24. Journal of Carniofacial [sic] Research
  25. Journal of Clinical Oral Investigation
  26. Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology
  27. Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
  28. Journal of Construction and Building Materials
  29. Journal of Heart Care
  30. Journal of Hospitality Management
  31. Journal of Investigational Dentistry
  32. Journal of Nursing
  33. Journal of Oral Diseases and Medicine
  34. Journal of Paediatrics Care
  35. Journal of Research in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
  36. Medicine Insight
  37. Microbiology Insights
  38. Ophthalmology Insights
  39. Pathology Insights
  40. Insight Microelectronics
  41. Journal of Computers & Chemical Engineering
  42. Acta Mechanica
  43. Bioengineering and Biosciences
  44. Insight Mechanical Engineering
  45. Journal of Periodontal Practice
  46. Journal of Oral Health and Hygiene
  47. Research and Review in Prosthorestorative Dentistry
  48. Orthopedic Research and Reviews
  49. Pharmacology Insights
  50. Surgery Insights
  51. Frontiers of Design Research
  52. Frontiers of Aerosol Science
  53. Frontiers of Machine Tools and Manufacture
  54. Journal of Applied Mathematical Modelling and Computing
  55. Journal of Neural Networks
  56. Natural Science
  57. Computational Biology and Chemistry
  58. Food and Nutrition
  59. Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology
  60. Journal of Food Microbiology
  61. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Science

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