Whether it’s a special event or just another day at the office, these wigs can add serious glam to your life. It gets challenging to decide whether or not this type of wig is the right option for you.
Kinky Human Hair Wigs are made from real human hair and give a natural look and feel. If you love to rock a wig and look extra fashionable, you should know that kinky human hair wigs are the way to go.
But no worries, here are 16 interesting facts about kinky human hair wigs that will help you make an informed decision:
Interesting Facts About Kinky Human Hair Wigs
Few people know that these wigs are made from real human hair and not synthetic
Not many are aware that kinky human hair wigs are from human hair. These wigs provide a much more natural look and feel than their synthetic counterparts and it’s really an interesting fact to know.
Can be customized according to one’s preference
Kinky Human Hair Wigs have the fantastic ability to be customized according to personal preference. You can choose between kinky, curly, and straight textures, giving you plenty of choices to find the perfect look for your face shape.
More durable than synthetic wigs
Regarding durability, kinky human hair wigs are the clear winner. These wigs can last up to 2 or 3 years with proper care and maintenance. On the other hand, synthetic wigs have a much shorter life span of only 6 months.
Require extra care to maintain their shine and beauty
To ensure that kinky human hair wigs last longer and look better, they require regular cleaning, conditioning, and styling. Furthermore, these wigs should be kept from direct sunlight to prevent fading or discoloration.
Time-consuming to style
Kinky human hair wigs may take more time to style than other types. Depending on the look you’re going for, it could take up to an hour or two to achieve the desired result. But with patience and effort, these wigs can be styled perfectly!
Available in various lengths, styles, and colors
Kinky human hair wigs come in various lengths, styles, and colors. Plenty of options are available if you’re looking for a short or long wig, a curly or sleek style. Moreover, colored wigs provide an opportunity to experiment with bold statements!
Offer more styling options
Kinky human hair wigs provide more styling options than synthetic wigs. These wigs can be curled, straightened, colored, and styled in various styles according to one’s preference. Apart from that, these wigs are heat-resistant and can withstand temperatures up to 400 degrees.
Can be used for medical purposes too
Kinky human hair wigs are not only for fashion but they can also be used for medical purposes like chemotherapy or alopecia. These wigs provide comfort to people undergoing medical treatments and give them confidence.
May cost more than synthetic wigs
Kinky human hair wigs are typically more expensive than their synthetic counterparts due to the quality of materials used and the amount of labor involved in making them. However, if you’re looking for a wig that will last longer and look better, the extra cost is worth it!
Available in both machine-made and hand-tied varieties
When shopping for a kinky human hair wig, you’ll be presented with two options: machine-made or hand-tied. Both types of wigs differ in construction and price, so it’s essential to understand the difference between them before making a purchase.
Should be replaced at least once every year
Kinky human hair wigs may last longer than synthetic wigs, but they still need to be replaced regularly to keep their shape and texture. Generally, replacing them at least once a year or when they start to look worn out is recommended.
Require more maintenance than synthetic wigs
Kinky human hair wigs must be regularly washed, conditioned, and styled to keep their shape and texture. It’s essential to use the right products for these wigs and to follow a proper maintenance routine to keep them looking good for longer.
Kinky human hair wigs can be styled to suit your needs
Kinky human hair wigs can be customized according to your wants and needs! Whether you want a different color or length, you can contact the manufacturer, and they’ll be able to provide you with precisely what you’re looking for.
Kinky human hair wigs are an excellent way to switch up your look
Kinky human hair wigs are a great way to change your look without making drastic changes. These wigs come in various styles and colors, making it easy to find one that suits your style. Plus, they can be styled in many ways, so you’ll never get bored with how you look!
Kinky human hair wigs should be stored properly when not in use
When not used, kinky human hair wigs should be stored properly to maintain their shape and texture. Make sure to store the wig on a mannequin head or wig stand and keep it away from direct sunlight or moisture. This will help preserve its quality for longer.
Kinky human hair wigs should not be worn for extended periods
These human hair wigs should not be worn for long periods as this can cause the wig to lose its shape and texture. For best results, removing the wig every day or two is recommended to give your scalp a chance to breathe.
Get Excited About Your New Look!
Kinky human hair wigs are a great way to switch up your look and give you the confidence boost you’ve been looking for. With so many styles, colors, and lengths to choose from, there’s no doubt that you can find one that suits your style perfectly! So go ahead – indulge in the luxurious world of kinky human hair wigs and get excited about your new look!