The potential therapeutic benefits of cannabis have made its products popular. But not all cannabis products are legal. You risk arrest for smoking marijuana in most countries. In some cases, the law is not clear on what cannabis products are legal, leaving users confused.
Most people know about cannabidiol (CBD) because it is legal in most countries. CBD is known for its medicinal properties, which can treat many diseases and health conditions. But there is a new cannabinoid rivaling CBD with its medicinal benefits.
You have probably seen new cannabis products on sites, that contain delta 8 hemp flowers and wondered what it is. If you love cannabis products, you should keep Delta-8 THC on your radar.
Benefits of Smoking Delta-8 Flower
1. It Gives a Smooth High
Many cannabis smokers are recreational users: they use it to get high. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the cannabinoid that causes the high you feel when you smoke cannabis. But what you get when you smoke marijuana is Delta-9 THC and not Delta-8 THC.
Delta-9 THC is highly potent and gives an intense high that some people may not like. It also comes with various side effects such as fogginess, exhaustion, paranoia, anxiety, and sometimes, psychosis.
Many Delta-8 THC users claim that it gives a mellow, less anxious psychoactive experience. Indeed, Delta-8 THC is less potent than the more familiar Delta-9 THC. Researchers believe that Delta-8 THC carries about half the potency of Delta-9 THC, with some researchers claiming that some Delta-8 THC flowers are only 10% as potent.
If you don’t like the intense high of marijuana, then Delta-8 THC flowers will be a better option. Moreover, you will remain focused and without the side effects of marijuana.
2. An Effective antiemetic
Delta-8 THC is effective nausea and vomiting medication. The role of THC in inhibiting vomiting is not new science. Scientific evidence shows that Delta-9 THC is effective in relieving nausea and stopping vomiting. The challenge with Delta-9 THC has been its psychoactive element.
Delta-8 has similar properties to Delta-9 THC but with less psychoactive potency, making it better for treating nausea. Researchers have tested it on children with cancer and found that it stopped nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.
3. Better Appetite Stimulant
While Delta-9 THC is more potent in psychoactive experience, Delta-8 THC is a stronger therapeutic. Researchers believe that the medicinal properties of Delta-8 THC could be twice as potent as Delta-9 THC.
You know that marijuana causes ‘munchies,’ but Delta-8 THC is even better at stimulating appetite and regulating nutrient absorption. The great thing about Delta-8 THC is that you need very low doses to affect your appetite significantly.
4. It Can Help You Relax
Research by the National Cancer Institute found that delta-8 THC has similar anxiolytic effects with delta-9 THC. You must wonder how something that causes a high makes you relaxed at the same time. Delta-8 THC works in many ways as regular THC. It has anti-anxiety effects but without being psychoactive.
Delta-8 THC users report that it causes a mellow high that enhances focus. Like its analogue, Delta-9 THC is attached to the CB1 receptors of the endocannabinoid system. CB1 receptors play a critical role in modulating anxiety and fear. When Delta-8 THC binds to CB1 receptors, the neurotransmitters and hormones that bind to these receptors become more available, leading to lowered anxiety levels.
Regular THC effectively relieves anxiety at low doses, but high doses are anxiogenic (causes anxiety). Delta-8 THC, having less psychoactive properties, comes with a wider therapeutic window. Researchers believe that Delta-8 THC can be administered at high doses without triggering anxiety or other THC side effects.
If you have tried using marijuana to control anxiety and it didn’t work, you should try Delta-8 THC flower. It won’t muddle your thoughts and will help you feel more relaxed but focused.
5. Relieves Pain
Many people are turning to Delta-8 THC flower for its pain-relieving benefits. Research on topical application shows that Delta-8 THC can relieve chronic pain. Chronic pain comes mainly from inflammation and is common in conditions such as Alzheimer’s’ disease.
Research on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) proves that it is effective for central and neuropathic pain. THC has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the cause of pain. It also regulates serotonin, dopamine, and glutamate. These hormones and neurotransmitters regulate communication between cells. So, THC also relieves pain by reducing its perception.
6. It Could Improve Brain Health
One of the leading causes of interest in Delta-8 THC is its effects on the brain. Delta-8 THC has a strong neuroprotective potential. It works in various ways, including inhibiting adenyl cyclase and regulating potassium and calcium channels in the central nervous system. These activities lead to improved brain health.
The effects Delta-8 THC has on choline, and acetylcholine levels could help treat degenerative mental health conditions. It improves neuron generation and growth, which leads to improved brain health.
Final Thought!
If you don’t like smoking, there are other ways of taking Delta-8 THC. You can use oils and tinctures, vape concentrates, or edibles. The goal is to get it into your system.
Delta-8 THC is also legal in many states and countries where cannabis/hemp and CBD Flower is legal. It may not be illegal, though, if it comes from marijuana. So, know the source of your Delta-8 THC before purchase.